Customa Online Wikipedia

Welcome to Customa Online Wikipedia

Here you will find the most important information about the server.
Some things like recipes of each craft cannot be added here it will be very long, you can see each recipe in game craft tables.

Start navigating on top to check what are you looking for.

Server Base Version: 12.72
Client Base Version:12.72
Automatic Raids, Scheduled World Bosses
Enhanced Loot System
Arena and Daily Quest System
Craft System with skills
Identification System with Skills
Cursed Chests & World Chests
Damage Reflection
Ancestral Rift / Elder Rift / Demoniac Rift / Chaos Level on Arkeron
Ancestral Ranks, Ancestral points, Ancestral Tasks ( Daily & Normal )
4 Professions: Mining, Skining, Woodcutting, Herbalist ( Fishing, already existing but enhanced )
More than 285 New Ressources
More than 490 New Items to Equip
More than 135 New Creatures
New Mounts
Parangon System Level
Prestige System
Gear Score System
Chaos System Level
Emblems with stats (rope slot)
Upgrade System
Slot System
New Potions
New Effects
New Spells
Legendary Weapons ( Also Rare, Very Rare, Epic items...)
And much more! Check the Sections at top and learn all from Customa Online.


Every equippable item can be enchanted. The maximum strength of the enchantment depends on the item's level - the higher the level, the greater the strength. For example, the (Regular) Max HP enchantment for a shield with item level 20 ranges from 1 to 40, while for the level 50 it ranges from 1 to 100. Most enchantments come in three variants of strength:

Minor (65%)

Regular (100%)

Major (125%)

The availability of a specific type of enchantment depends on the type of enchanted item. Some of them are available only from Unique Enchantments. Besides that, if an item has the potential to roll Major enchantments, both Regular and Minor enchantments might appear instead and those enchantments can be stacked. Following this logic, if an item has the potential to roll a Regular enchantment, a Minor one can be rolled and stacked with the Regular one as well. Details below:

Every item has a limited amount of enchantment slots on it, depending on rarity that is rolled separately upon obtaining it:

Common: 1 slot

Rare: 2 slots

Epic: 3 slots

Legendary: 4 slots

Upgrade System

Every item can be upgraded up to 9 times by using Upgrade Crystal on it. Each upgrade grants +3 to item level, +1 to attack and armor on weapons, +1% hit chance to range weapons and +1 to armor on any equipable item that has armor in the first place. Upgrade has a chance to fail, degrading upgrade level by 1 - higher the upgrade level, higher the odds of failure. Starting at upgrade from +5 to +6 there's a chance for a critical failure that completely removes the item. Any failure can be prevented by Upgrade Catalyst held in inventory - when the failure happens, the catalyst is removed instead.

Chances for success:

+1 - 100%

+2 - 95%

+3 - 90%

+4 - 80%

+5 - 60%

+6 - 40%, 50% for critical failure

+7 - 35%, 60% for critical failure

+8 - 25%, 70% for critical failure

+9 - ??%, ??% for critical failure

Fossils & Crystals

Monsters that are strong enough to yield loot of at least 20 item level sometimes drop Crystal Fossils. Upon using Crystal Extractor on them you have a chance to retrieve one of the Common crystals, but sometimes those fossils break and you receive nothing. Besides that, there are way stronger crystals obtainable, but not from fossils. Below you can read about them:

Name Picture From Effect Rarity
Crystal Extractor Buyable Can be used on Crystal Fossils to crack them open -
Crystal Fossil Quests, dungeons, tasks and monsters Can be cracked open with Crystal Extractor -
Scroll of Identify Buyable Identifies an unidentified item -
Upgrade Crystal Crystal Fossil Allows to upgrade an item up to 9 times with a risk of failure Common
Enchant Crystal Crystal Fossil Adds a random enchant to an item Common
Faith Crystal Crystal Fossil Rerolls the values of all enchants of an item Common
Fortune Crystal Crystal Fossil Rerolls the value of bottommost enchant of an item Common
Alter Crystal Crystal Fossil Removes the bottommost enchant of an item. Can't be used on uniques Common
Clean Crystal Crystal Fossil Removes all enchants from an item. Can't be used on uniques Common
Upgrade Catalyst Quests, tasks, dungeons & world bosses Prevents both regular and critical failure of an upgrade. Dissapears on use, hold in backpack Rare
Void Crystal Quests, tasks, dungeons & world bosses Grants a random available Unique enchant to an item Epic
Limitless Crystal World bosses Removes the level requirement of an item Legendary
Mirrored Crystal World bosses Creates a unmodifiable copy of an item Legendary
Mind Crystal World bosses Stores all enchants of an item in itself, then these can be transfered to another item Legendary


Unidentified items of item level above certain treshold have a slight chance of being Unique upon identifying it with Scroll of Identify.
Different parts of equipment offer different unique enchantments with 200 of them to discover.

These uniques offer a set of enchantments - often with a drawback. They are the key to growing the combat proficiency of your character.

You can make any item enchantment Unique by using Void Crystal on it. Certain uniques require certain item level to be discovered, below you can find the table for different parts of equipment:

Green in table = weak enchantment

Yellow in table = strong enchantment

Red in table = very strong enchantment

Purple in table = curse (negative enchantment)








Melee Weapons

Ranged Weapons



Waypoints are a way to quickly travel between key locations in the world of Customa Online. Once unlocked, a Waypoint remains unlocked forever. There are three types of waypoints:

Blue, which are available to everyone.

Red, which are available exclusively to players with a Premium Account.

Green, which require a Warpgem for travel. Warpgems can be crafted using the Crafting system or purchased in the Premium Shop.

When you found a new Waypoint, just stand on it to unlock it.


On Customa Online, there are two types of potions - regular ones, obtainable from NPCs and monsters, and handcrafted ones - with stronger effect and lower level requirement, that have to be brewed either by different NPCs across the map or at the Alchemist Station in a player house. Handcrafted Diluted Dragon Blood, Diluted Elemental Drops and Elemental Drops can be crafted only by NPC after finishing a quest.

Name Picture Requirements Info LVL
Small Health Potion None Heals for 25-100 -
Handcrafted Small Health Potion 1x Summerbloom for 15 Heals for 45-180 -
Small Mana Potion None Regenerates 25-75 mana -
Handcrafted Small Mana Potion 1x Cannary Feather for 15 Regenerates 40-120 mana -
Regular Health Potion None Heals for 75-150 20
Handcrafted Regular Health Potion 1x Springdew for 12 Heals for 125-225+ 10
Regular Mana Potion None Regenerates 50-125 mana+ 20
Handcrafted Regular Mana Potion 1x Winterblossom for 12 Regenerates 75-188 mana 10
Big Health Potion None Heals for 150-300 50
Handcrafted Big Health Potion 1x Fallroot for 10 Heals for 125-225 30
Big Mana Potion None Regenerates 75-200 mana 50
Handcrafted Big Mana Potion 1x Giant Eye for 10 Regenerates 105-280 mana 30
Diluted Dragon Blood None Heals for 420-600 100
Handcrafted Diluted Dragon Blood 1x Fallroot, 1x Voidfruit for 10 Heals for 546-840 75
Diluted Elemental Drops None Regenerates 180-320 mana 100
Handcrafted Diluted Elemental Drops 1x Tripshroom for 10 Regenerates 234-416 mana 75
Dragon Blood None Heals for 660-1000 150
Elemental Drops None Regenerates 220-440 mana 150
Handcrafted Elemental Drops 1x Tripshroom, 1x Voidfruit for 10 Regenerates 264-528 mana 125
Drunken Master Destilate None Makes the user drunk for 15 minutes, +12% Brutality -100% Magic -
Spirit Destilate None Makes the user drunk for 15 minutes, +10% Magic -
Sober-up None Makes the user sober, very rare -
Traveler Destilate None Makes the user drunk for 15 minutes, +100 speed -


Name Picture From Description
Bag Some monsters, buyable from toolshops across Customa and Bagpipes Backpack shop in Firsttown Vol: 8, weight 8.0oz.
Shopping Bang Buyable from every shop by selecting the Buy with backpack option Vol: 12, weight 10.0oz.
Backpack Some monsters, buyable from toolshops across Customa and Bagpipes Backpack shop in Firsttown Vol: 20, weight 18.0oz.
Traveler Backpack Buyable from Bagpipes Backpack shop in Firsttown. Vol:30, weight 18.0oz.
Exquisite Backpack Buyable from Bagpipes Backpack shop in Firsttown. Vol:40, weight 14.0oz.
Bagpipes Backpack Premium Shop, buyable from Bagpipes Backpack shop in Firsttown. Vol:80, has no weight.
Orchid Backpack Petrified Forest Dungeon Chest Vol: 25, weight 8.0oz. Earth protection +1%.
Winged Backpack Gryphon, Highcastle Dungeon Chest Vol: 40, weight 15.0oz. Speed +10.
Mycelium Backpack Gnome Shroomtrip Dungeon Chest Vol: 16, weight 17.0oz. Health regen +2, Mana Regen +2.


Name Picture From Description
Amulet of Spiritual Shielding Elven Arcanologist, Regenade Archmage Physical protection -12%, elemental protection +6%, 200 charges, 9.5oz.
Amulet of Wind Swamp Fairy, Elven Shinobi Enchantable. +10 speed, 2.2oz.
Deathcheater Premium Shop, Shadow Servant, Walking Dead, Necromancer, Lich, Archlich Protects from item loss on death. Dissapears after 3 seconds of use, 6.66oz.
Lifeguard Highcastle Dungeon Chest, buyable from Dementius after quest Enchantable. Manadrain protection +5%, Lifedrain protection -5%. Protects from item loss on death. Dissapears on death if worn.
Mindguard Dvorak Manor Dungeon Chest, buyable from Vokke after quest Enchantable. Lifedrain protection +5%, Manadrain protection -5%. Protects from item loss on death. Dissapears on death if worn.
Ogretooth Amulet Temple Sentinel, Mountain Core Dungeon Chest Enchantable. Brutality +3
Omnipotency Amulet Soulbound Sage, Manticore, Warlock Enchantable. +2 magic.
Prime Amulet Amazon, Primella, chest quest Enchantable.
Scarf Walking Dead, Graverobber, Elven Hero, buyable from Mikael in Greatcity and Sandra Enchantable. Base Arm: 1.
Treebark Amulet Petrified Forest Dungeon Chest Physical protection +4%, Earth protection +4%, Fire protection -12%, 500 charges.
Unholy Amulet Ice Succubi, Earthspawn, Dweller, Night Mare Enchantable. Death protection +3%, Holy protection -3%.
Watcher Amulet [Dungeon] The Watcher Enchantable.Lifedrain protection +5%, Manadrain protection +5%.
Vampiric Amulet Vampire, High Vampire, Vampire Lord Grac'yann Health regen -12 (can be fatal), Mana regen -12. All stats +4, dissapears after 30 minutes of use.


Name Picture From Description
Basilisk Ring Earth Spirit, Basilisk, Medusa Enchantable. Arm:2, speed -40.
Endurance Bracelet Behemoth, Martyr, Black Behemoth Enchantable. Endurance +3, Protection Energy -3%.
Endurance Ring Dwarven Sage, [Dungeon] Living Root, Zealot, buyable from Aleksiej in Greatcity. Endurance +12. Dissapears after 30 minutes of use.
Faith Bracelet Martyr, Angel, Archangel Enchantable. Faith protection +3, Death protection -3%.
Faith Ring Elven Patriarch, [Dungeon] Dvorak Champion, Zealot, buyable from Aleksiej in Greatcity. Faith +12. Dissapears after 30 minutes of use.
Intelligence Bracelet Soulbound Sage, Renegade Archmage, Warlock Enchantable. Intelligence +3, Frost protection -3%.
Mark of The Forest Petrified Forest Dungeon Chest Enchantable. When worn gives access to The Photosynthesis spell - a strong healing spell usable only at the world's surface. Cooldown: 300 seconds
Meditation Ring Frost Spirit, Shadow Servant, Renegade Mage, Elven Arcanologist,[Dungeon] The Watcher, buyable from Aleksiej in Greatcity +3 mana regen. Dissapears after 20 minutes of use.
Mountain Ring Earth Spirit, Stone Golem, Abomination Enchantable. Earth protection +1%.
Nirvana Ring All High Elves, Buyable from Dementius inside Highcastle Dungeon. +6 health & mana regen. Dissapears after 10 minutes of use.
Regeneration Ring Basilisk, [Dungeon] Ogre Daggamasta, [Dungeon] The Watcher, buyable from Aleksiej in Greatcity +4 health regen. Dissapears after 20 minutes of use.
Tear Ring Frost Spirit, Water Elemental, Ice Succubi Enchantable. Frost protection +1%.
Void Ring Void Spirit, Storm Elemental, Tarman Enchantable. Energy protection +1%.
Watcher Ring [Dungeon] Eldricht Ascended Enchantable. Arm:1, Lifedrain protection +2%, Manadrain protection +2%.


Name Picture From Base Armor Description
Adventurer Cap Bandit, buyable from Rudi in Elarah Town 1 Brutality +1, Finesse +1, 14.0oz.
Journeyman Helmet Elven Warrior, buyable from Darien in Firsttown 2 Brutality +2, Finesse +2, 26.0oz.
Chain Helmet Minotaur Knight, Skeleton Guard 2 Physical protection +1%, 42.0oz.
Warrior Helmet Dwarven Berserker, Soulbound Guardian, craftable 4 Brutality +4, 55.0oz.
Longbow Helmet Minotaur Marksman, Soulbound Longbow, craftable 4 Finesse +4, 55.0oz.
Apprentice Hood Elven Arcanologist, Necromancer, buyable from Sandra in Firsttown. 1 Energy +2, Magic +1, 8.0oz.
Bear Helmet Mountain Core Dungeon Chest 2 Brutality +4, Magic -2, Intelligence -2, 19.0oz.
Primal Headcover Mountain Core Dungeon Chest 3 Magic +4, Intelligence -10, Faith -10, 13.0oz.
Spellweaver Hat Skeleton Spellweaver, Renegade Archmage 1 Intelligence +4, Magic +2, 12.0oz.
Raider Helmet Exchangable for Raid Tokens somewhere inside Dwarven Treasury dungeon 3 Speed +10, 50.0oz.
Forest Guardian Helmet Petrified Forest Dungeon Chest 3 Health Regen +1, Endurance +2, Earth protection +1%, Fire protection -1%, 28.0oz.
Crusader Helmet Weeber, Bloodhatcher, [Dungeon] Dvorak Guard, [Dungeon] Dvorak Conqueror, [Dungeon] Dvorak Champion. 6 Physical protection +2%, Energy protection -4%, 66.6oz.
Philosopher Tiara Mutator, Soulbound Sage, Warlock, Angel 1 Faith +6, Intelligence +6, 10.0oz.
Full Raider Helmet Exchangable for Raid Tokens somewhere inside Dwarven Treasury dungeon 4 Speed +15, 68.0oz.
Hero Helmet Elven Hero, [Dungeon] High Elf Hero 5 Brutality +4, Endurance +4, 58.0oz.
Assassin Hood [Dungeon] Dvorak Assassin 2 Finesse +6, 32.0oz.
Sinful Watch Dvorak Manor Dungeon Chest 5 Makes the town guard ignore you, Death protection +5%, 140.0oz.
Defender Helmet Exchangable for Raid Tokens somewhere inside Dwarven Treasury dungeon 5 Speed +20, gives access to Raider Challenge spell - it has a 10 minutes cooldown, but allows you to taunt all monsters on the screen. 71.0oz.
Penance Helmet Devoted, Desecrator 6 Physical protection +2%, Holy Protection +2%, Death Protection +2%, Lifedrain Protection -100%, 66.0oz.
Gnome Hat [Dungeon] Gnome Needler, [Dungeon] Acid Gnome 2 Finesse+ 4, Speed +20, 8.0oz.
Flamerealm Mask Vulkaroth, Pyrorealm Maestro of Bravery 4 Magic +2, Intelligence +4, Faith -4, Fire protection +4%, Frost protection -4%, 40.0oz.
Frostrealm Cap The Dicator, Frostrealm Maestro of Dedication 0 Magic +4, Faith +4, Frost protection +5%, Physical protection -5%, 40.0oz.
Helmet of the Enlightened Enlighetened Monk, Angel 5 Faith +8,
Wormhelmet Dvorak Manor Dungeon Chest 5 Health Regeneration -14 (can be fatal), Brutality +14, 140.0oz.
Drillcap Dvorak Manor Dungeon Chest 3 Health Regeneration -10 (can be fatal), Finesse +14, 57.0oz.
Essenceshifter Dvorak Manor Dungeon Chest 1 Health Regeneration -15 (can be fatal), Mana Regeneration +15, Magic +6, 14.0oz.
Eldricht Hat [Dungeon] Eldricht Chosen 4 Magic +6, Endurance +2, Intelligence +2, Faith +2, Energy +2, Manadrain protection -100%
Liberator Helmet Exchangable for Raid Tokens somewhere inside Dwarven Treasury dungeon 6 Speed +30, gives access to Raider Challenge spell - it has a 10 minutes cooldown, but allows you to taunt all monsters on the screen. 71.0oz.
Eldricht Helmet Eldricht Library Dungeon Chest 7 Protection lifedrain +4%, Protection manadrain +4%, 14.0oz.
Battlemage Helmet Exchangable for World Boss Tokens at Greatcity Museum 6 Magic +5, Intelligence +10, 68.0oz.
Royal Helmet Exchangable for Event Tokens. 9 Brutality +5, Endurance +5, Faith +5, Finesse +5, 68.0oz.


Name Picture From Base Armor Description
Castaway Rags Findable on Elarah Beginners Beach 2 20.0oz.
Adventurer Tunic Bandit, buyable from Rudi in Elarah Town 1 Brutality +1, Finesse +1, 40.0oz.
Journeyman Armor Gremlin, Gremlin Smasher, Elven Warrior, Gremlin Hunter, buyable from Darien in Firsttown 2 Brutality +2, Finesse +2, 85.0oz.
Fighter Vest Minotaur Fighter, Sher'shen 2 Brutality +4, 100.0oz.
Hunter Cloak Minotaur Marksman, Cygan 2 Finesse +4, 70.0oz.
Chain Vest Minotaur Knight, Skeleton Guard 7 Physical protection +4%, 125.0oz.
Molten Armor Craftable using Bars of Gold somewhere inside Dwarven Treasury dungeon 8 Physical protection +2%, Holy protection +2%, 85.0oz.
Renegade Robe Renegade Mage, Renegade Archmage 2 Magic +1, Energy +4, Energy protection -4%, 37.5oz.
Apprentice Tunic Elven Arcanologist, buyable from Sandra in Firsttown 3 Intelligence +4, Elemental protection +1%, 35.0oz.
Sunsage Tunic Sunsage 4 Magic +2, Fire protection +2%, Holy protection +2%, Frost protection -3%, Death protection -3% 20.0oz.
Spellweaver Robe Skeleton Spellweaver, Warlock 5 Intelligence +8, Elemental protection +2%, 45.0oz.
Forest Guardian Armor Petrified Forest Dungeon Chest 6 Health regeneration +3, Endurance +4, Earth protection +4%, Fire protection -4%, 80.0oz.
Crusader Armor Skeleton Spellweaver, Warlock 14 Brutality +8, Faith +8, Physical protection +5%, Energy protection -10%, Speed -90, 210.0oz.
Assassin Vest Elven Shinobi, [Dungeon] Dvorak Assassin 6 Finesse +6, Physical protection +3%, Fire protection -18%, 37.5oz.
Philosopher Robe Mutator, Hydra, Black Hydra 7 Magic +2, Elemental protection +3%, 48.0oz.
Hero Armor Elven Hero, [Dungeon] High Elf Hero 10 Endurance +8, Physical protection +4%, 105.0oz.
Troubadur Tunic [Dungeon] High Elf Bard 4 Finesse +4, Faith +4, 18.0oz.
Penance Armor Exarch, Martyr 10 Faith -8, Endurance +2, Holy protection +2%, Death protection +2%, 120.0oz.
Chestplate of The Englihtened Enlightened Monk, Angel 9 Faith +10, Endurance +2, Energy protection +4%, Holy protection +4%, 85.0oz.
Flamerealm Armor Vulkaroth, Pyrorealm Maestro of Bravery 11 Fire protection +5%, Frost protection -10%, 106.0oz.
Frostrealm Armor The Dicator, Frostrealm Maestro of Dedication 11 Frost protection +5%, Fire protection -10%, 106.0oz.
Eldricht Robe [Dungeon] Eldricht Chosen 8 Magic +3, Physical protection -3%, 40.0oz.
Eldricht Guardian Armor Eldricht Library Dungeon Chest 14 Lifedrain protection +10%, Manadrain protection +10%, 150.0oz.
Broken Soulstone Mail Eldricht Library Dungeon Chest, can be upgraded using World Boss soulstones in Rhwaana Soulforge 15 Elemental Protection +5%, Brutality +3, Finesse+ 3, Endurance +3, 260.0oz.
Empty Soulstone Tunic Eldricht Library Dungeon Chest, can be upgraded using World Boss soulstones in Rhwaana Soulforge 10 Magic +4, Intelligence +3, Faith +3, Energy +3, 180.0oz.
Battlemage Robe Exchangable for World Boss Tokens at Greatcity Museum 11 Magic +3, Intelligence +6, All protections +3%, 85.0oz.
Royal Armor Exchangable for World Boss Tokens at Greatcity Museum 16 All protections +6%, 85.0oz.
Soulstone Mail Can be upgraded using World Boss soulstones in Rhwaana Soulforge 19 Elemental Protection +7%, Brutality +6, Finesse+ 6, Endurance +6, 260.0oz.
Soulstone Tunic Can be upgraded using World Boss soulstones in Rhwaana Soulforge 12 Magic +7, Intelligence +6, Faith +6, Energy +6, 180.0oz.
Charged Soulstone Mail Can be upgraded using World Boss soulstones in Rhwaana Soulforge 21 Elemental Protection +10%, Brutality +9, Finesse +9, Endurance +9, 260.0oz.
Charged Soulstone Tunic Can be upgraded using World Boss soulstones in Rhwaana Soulforge 14 Magic +10, Intelligence +9, Faith +9, Energy +9, 180.0oz.


Name Picture From Base Armor Description
Castaway Trousers Findable on Elarah Beginners Beach 1 16.0oz.
Adventurer Legs Bandit, buyable from Rudi in Elarah Town 1 Brutality +1, Endurance +1, 32.0oz.
Journeyman Legs Gremlin, Gremlin Smasher, Elven Warrior, Gremlin Hunter, buyable from Darien in Firsttown 2 Brutality +2, Endurance +2, 26.0oz.
Chain Legs Minotaur Knight, Skeleton Guard 4 Physical protection +2%, 54.0oz.
Molten Legs Craftable using Bars of Gold somewhere inside Dwarven Treasury dungeon 4 Physical protection +1%, Holy protection +1%, 50.0oz.
Apprentice Trousers Elven Arcanologist, buyable from Sandra in Firsttown 2 Magic +1, Intelligence +1, 16.0oz.
Sunsage Panthalons Renegade Mage, Renegade Archmage 3 Magic +1, Fire Protection +1%, Holy Protection +1%, Frost Protection -2%, Death Protection -2%, 16.0oz.
Spellweaver Trousers Skeleton Spellweaver, Warlock 3 Magic +2, Intelligence +4, 25.0oz.
Forest Guardian Legs Petrified Forest Dungeon Chest 4 Health regeneration +2, Endurance +3, Earth protection +3%, Fire protection -3%, 44.0oz.
Crusader Legs Skeleton Spellweaver, Warlock 7 Brutality +3, Faith +3, Physical protection +3%, Energy protection -6%, Speed -30, 140.0oz.
Philosopher Trousers Mutator, Hydra, Black Hydra 4 Intelligence +2, Faith +1, Elemental protection +1%, 27.0oz.
Hero Legs Elven Hero, [Dungeon] High Elf Hero 10 Brutality +3, Endurance +3, 60.0oz.
Troubadur Legs [Dungeon] High Elf Bard 3 Finesse +3, Faith +3, 11.0oz.
Devoted Legs Devoted 7 Faith +6, Holy protection +4%, Death protection -12%, 77.0oz.
Desecrator Legs Desecrator 7 Faith -12, Brutality +6, Death protection +4%, Holy protection -12%, 66.0oz.
Legs of The Englihtened Enlightened Monk, Angel 9 Faith +6, Energy protection +2%, Holy protection +2%, 50.0oz.
Flamerealm Legs Vulkaroth, Pyrorealm Maestro of Bravery 11 Fire protection +5%, Frost protection -10%, 106.0oz.
Pursuer The Dicator, Frostrealm Maestro of Dedication 2 Brutality +8, Finesse +8, Physical protection -15%, , 52.0oz.
Eldricht Cloth Trousers [Dungeon] Eldricht Chosen 5 Magic +4, Manadrain protection +5%, 21.0oz.
Eldricht Kilt Eldricht Library Dungeon Chest 7 Lifedrain protection +7%, Manadrain protection +7%, 32.0oz.
Battlemage Legs Exchangable for World Boss Tokens at Greatcity Museum 7 Magic +4, Intelligence +8, All protections +1%, 50.0oz.
Royal Legs Exchangable for World Boss Tokens at Greatcity Museum 8 Endurance +8, Faith +8, All protections +2%, 85.0oz.


Name Picture From Base Armor Description
Adventurer Boots Bandit, buyable from Rudi in Elarah Town 1 Speed +5, 17.0oz.
Journeyman Boots Gremlin, Gremlin Smasher, Elven Warrior, Gremlin Hunter, buyable from Darien in Firsttown 1 Speed +10, 17.0oz.
Chain Boots Minotaur Knight, Skeleton Guard 3 Speed -10, 31.0oz.
Apprentice Boots Elven Arcanologist, buyable from Sandra in Firsttown 1 Mana regen +2, 11.0oz.
Spellweaver Boots Skeleton Spellweaver, Warlock 1 Mana regen +4, 11.0oz.
Forest Guardian Boots Petrified Forest Dungeon Chest 4 Health regeneration +1, Endurance +1, Earth protection +1%, 27.0oz.
Crusader Boots Skeleton Spellweaver, Warlock 4 Physical protection +2%, Energy protection -4%, Speed -40, 140.0oz.
Philosopher Boots Mutator, Hydra, Black Hydra 2 Intelligence +2, Faith +2, Elemental protection +1%, 20.0oz.
Hero Boots Elven Hero, [Dungeon] High Elf Hero 3 Brutality +3, Endurance +3, 60.0oz.
Troubadur Shoes [Dungeon] High Elf Bard 3 Finesse +3, Faith +3, 11.0oz.
Boots of The Englihtened Enlightened Monk, Angel 2 Faith +4, Energy protection +2%, Holy protection +2%, 70.0oz.
Flamerealm Boots Vulkaroth, Pyrorealm Maestro of Bravery 11 Fire protection +5%, Frost protection -10%, 17.0oz.
Frostrealm Boots The Dicator, Frostrealm Maestro of Dedication 11 Frost protection +5%, Fire protection -10%, 20.0oz.
Bloodstepper Eldricht Library Dungeon Chest 7 Speed +120, Health regeneration -40 (can be fatal), 17.0oz.
Eldricht Boots Eldricht Library Dungeon Chest 7 Lifedrain protection +4%, Manadrain protection +4%, 17.0oz.
Battlemage Boots Exchangable for World Boss Tokens at Greatcity Museum 2 Mana regeneration +15, 19.0oz.
Royal Boots Exchangable for World Boss Tokens at Greatcity Museum 5 Brutality +5, Finesse +5, Endurance +5, Faith +5, 70.0oz.


Name Picture From Base Armor Description
Wooden Buckler Skeleton, buyable from Rudi in Elarah Town 9 30.0oz.
Wooden Shield Dwarven Shielder 10 40.0oz.
Studded Buckler Minotaur Knight, Dwarven Soldier, buyable from Rudi in Elarah Town 12 38.0oz.
Leather Shield Elven Warrior 14 55.0oz.
Copper Buckler Rot Worm, Giant, buyable from Willard in Firsttown 15 45.0oz.
Castle Shield Quest from Willard in Firsttown 18 62.0oz.
Mystery Spellbook Dark Succubi, Mutator, Dwarven Hybrid, chest quest 14 Magic +3, Energy protection +3%, Earth protection -6%, 28.5oz.
Iron Buckler Buyable from Willard in Firsttown 18 Physical protection +1%, 52.0oz.
Protector Shield [Dungeon] Moss Elemental 17 Health Regeneration +6, 180.0oz.
Steel Shield Shadow Servant, buyable from Willard in Firsttown 22 Physical protection +2%, Energy protection -2%, 80.0oz.
Sunsage Tome Sunsage 12 Magic +3, Protection Frost -3%, Protection Death -3%, 20.5oz.
Gazestone Buckler Basilisk, Medusa 21 Physical protection +2%, 60.0oz.
Unholy Buckler [Dungeon] Dvorak Conqueror, [Dungeon] Dvorak Champion 24 Death protection +4%, 69.0oz.
Solarite Shield Solarite Golem 24 Protection Fire +2%, Protection Holy +2%, Protection Frost -2%, Protection Energy 4%, 105.0oz.
Ornamented Shield Vulkaroth, Pyrorealm Maestro of Bravery 26 Physical protection +3%, Earth Protection +3%, Energy Protection +6% 95.0oz.
Mirror Buckler Scribe, Dweller, 27 Finesse +4, Elemental Protection +2%, 69.0oz.
Enchanted Spellbook Exchangable for World Boss Tokens at Greatcity Museum 18 Magic +4, 25.6oz.
Mirror Buckler The Dicator, Frostrealm Maestro of Dedication 11 Frost protection +5%, Fire protection -10%, 20.0oz.
Hussar Shield Eldricht Library Dungeon Chest 30 Energy protection -6%, 100.0oz.
Golden Buckler Eldricht Library Dungeon Chest 33 Energy protection +4%, 120.0oz.
Barrier Shield Exchangable for World Boss Tokens at Greatcity Museum 2 Mana regeneration +15, 19.0oz.
Warlock Spellbook Exchangable for World Boss Tokens at Greatcity Museum 5 Brutality +5, Finesse +5, Endurance +5, Faith +5, 70.0oz.
Pallete of Creation Exchangable for World Boss Tokens at Greatcity Museum 5 Brutality +5, Finesse +5, Endurance +5, Faith +5, 70.0oz.
Saint Shield Exchangable for World Boss Tokens at Greatcity Museum 5 Brutality +5, Finesse +5, Endurance +5, Faith +5, 70.0oz.
Antimage Shield Exchangable for World Boss Tokens at Greatcity Museum 5 Brutality +5, Finesse +5, Endurance +5, Faith +5, 70.0oz.
Eldricht Watcher Exchangable for World Boss Tokens at Greatcity Museum 5 Brutality +5, Finesse +5, Endurance +5, Faith +5, 70.0oz.
Chaos Buckler Exchangable for World Boss Tokens at Greatcity Museum 5 Brutality +5, Finesse +5, Endurance +5, Faith +5, 70.0oz.
Soulstone Shield Exchangable for World Boss Tokens at Greatcity Museum 5 Brutality +5, Finesse +5, Endurance +5, Faith +5, 70.0oz.
Phoenix Shield Exchangable for World Boss Tokens at Greatcity Museum 5 Brutality +5, Finesse +5, Endurance +5, Faith +5, 70.0oz.


Name Picture From Base Stats Description
Stick Findable on Elarah Beginners Beach, can be crafted by the Druids with different item level Atk: 4, Def: 3 Unlocks Tier 1 Club spell, 22.0oz
Crowbar Dwarven Shielder Atk: 8, def: 4 Unlocks Tier 1 Club spell, 30.0oz.
Quarterstaff Minotaur Knight, Dwarven Soldier, buyable from Rudi in Elarah Town Atk: 12, Def: 5 Two Handed, Unlocks Tier 1 Club spell, 40.0oz.
Wooden Mace Gremlin Atk: 14, def: 4 Doesn't unlock any Club spells, 40.0oz.
Anvil Hammer Elven Warrior Atk: 12, Def: 6 Unlocks Tier 1 Club spell, 45.0oz.
Sledgehammer Rot Worm, Giant, buyable from Willard in Firsttown Atk: 15, Def: 7 Two Handed, Unlocks Tier 1 Club spell, 90.0oz.
Ogresmasher Mountain Core Dungeon Chest Atk: 7, Def: 4 Two Handed, Doesn't unlock any Club spells, instead offering area damage on regular attacks. 120.0oz.
Clerical Mace Quest from Willard in Firsttown Atk: 14, Def: 8 Unlocks Tier 2 Club spells, 60.0oz.
Heavy Mace Dark Succubi, Mutator, Dwarven Hybrid, chest quest Atk: 18, Def: 11 Two Handed, Magic +3, Energy protection +3%, Earth protection -6%, 120.0oz.
Battle Hammer Quest from Willard in Firsttown Atk: 14, Def: 8 Unlocks Tier 2 Club spells, 75.0oz.
War Hammer Dark Succubi, Mutator, Dwarven Hybrid, chest quest Atk: 18, Def: 11 Two Handed, Unlocks Tier 2 Club spells, 150.0oz.
Earthshaker Mountain Core Dungeon Chest Atk: 17, Def: 4 Two Handed, Doesn't unlock any Club spells, instead offering area damage on regular attacks. 160.0oz.
Skull Staff Buyable from Willard in Firsttown Atk: 19, Def: 14 Unlocks Tier 3 Club spells, 60.0oz.
Moneybanger Dwarven Treasury Dungeon Chest, upgradable using Bars of Gold somewhere inside Dwarven Treasury dungeon Atk: 19, Def: 11 Unlock Tier 3 Club spells, 160.0oz.
Ruby Staff Shadow Servant, buyable from Willard in Firsttown Atk: 15 physical + 12 fire, Def: 16 Two Handed, Unlocks Tier 3 Club spells, 180.0oz.
Emerald Cracker Sunsage Atk: 23, Def: 16 Unlocks Tier 3 Club spells, 90.0oz.
Emerald Crusher Basilisk, Medusa Atk: 30, Def: 17 Two Handed, Unlocks Tier 3 Club spells, 210.0oz.
Dvorak Stare Dvorak Manor Dungeon Chest Atk: 27, Def: 8 >Two Handed, Unlocks Tier 4 Club spells, can be equipped only when player has red skull. Stays equipped when player loses it. 160.0oz.
Amethyst Cracker [Dungeon] Dvorak Conqueror, [Dungeon] Dvorak Champion Atk: 13 physical + 13 energy, Def: 17 Unlocks Tier 4 Club spells, 120.0oz.
Amethyst Crusher Solarite Golem Atk: 16 physical + 16 energy, Def: 18 Two Handed, Unlocks Tier 4 Club spells, 240.0oz.
Ice Hammer Scribe, Dweller, Atk: 15 physical +15 frost, Def: 15 Unlocks Tier 4 Club spells, 135.0oz.
Ice Maul Vulkaroth, Pyrorealm Maestro of Bravery Atk: 18 physical + 18 frost, Def: 20 Two Handed, Unlocks Tier 4 Club spells, 270.0oz
Eldricht Meatbeater Eldricht Library Dungeon Chest Atk: 31, Def: 16 Unlocks Tier 5 Club spells, 200.0oz.
Canebearer Exchangable for World Boss Tokens at Greatcity Museum Atk: 33, Def: 21 Unlocks Tier 5 Club spells, 150.0oz.
Profane Bonecrusher Exchangable for World Boss Tokens at Greatcity Museum Atk: 45, Def: 22 Two Handed, Unlocks Tier 5 Club spells, 666.0oz.


Name Picture From Base Stats Description
Iron Dagger Found at the Beginners Beach on Elarah Continent Atk: 10, Def: 1 Unlocks Tier 1 Dagger spell, 15.0oz.
Steel Dagger Dwarven Shielder Atk: 14, def: 4 Unlocks Tier 1 Dagger spell, 22.5oz.
Stabber Minotaur Knight, Dwarven Soldier, buyable from Rudi in Elarah Town Atk: 16, Def: 1 Unlocks Tier 2 Dagger spells, 30.0oz.
Shiny Dagger Elven Warrior Atk: 20, Def: 1 Unlocks Tier 2 Dagger spells, 37.5oz.
Curver Stabber Rot Worm, Giant, buyable from Willard in Firsttown Atk: 23, Def: 1 Unlocks Tier 3 Dagger spells, 15.0oz.
Emerald Dagger Mountain Core Dungeon Chest Atk: 10 physical + 17 earth, Def: 1 Unlocks Tier 3 Dagger spells, 15.0oz.
Petrifier Petrified Forest Dungeon Chest Atk: 24, Def: 4 Unlocks Tier 4 Dagger spells, 45.0oz.
Sacred Dagger Quest from Willard in Firsttown Atk: 35, Def: 1 Unlocks Tier 4 Dagger spells, 52.5oz.
Executioner Blade Dark Succubi, Mutator, Dwarven Hybrid, chest quest Atk: 41, Def: 1 Unlocks Tier 4 Dagger spells, 60.0oz.
Eldricht Eyepoker Dark Succubi, Mutator, Dwarven Hybrid, chest quest Atk: 18, Def: 11 Unlocks Tier 5 Dagger spells, 72.5oz.
Cursed Noosh Dark Succubi, Mutator, Dwarven Hybrid, chest quest Atk: 37, Def: 1 Unlocks Tier 5 Dagger spells, 75.0oz.
Timesand Stabber Dark Succubi, Mutator, Dwarven Hybrid, chest quest Atk: 40, Def: 1 Unlocks Tier 5 Dagger spells, 82.5oz.


Name Picture From Base Stats Description
Iron Sword Found at the Beginners Beach on Elarah Continent Atk: 7, Def: 5+1 Unlocks Tier 1 Sword spell, 25.0oz
Iron Broadsword Dwarven Shielder Atk: 13, Def: 6 Two Handed, Unlocks Tier 1 Sword spell, 50.0oz.
Steel Sword Minotaur Knight, Dwarven Soldier, buyable from Rudi in Elarah Town Atk: 11, Def: 8+1 Unlocks Tier 1 Sword spell, 50.0oz.
Steel Broadsword Elven Warrior Atk: 16, Def: 8 Two Handed, Unlocks Tier 1 Sword spell, 80.0oz.
Slicer Rot Worm, Giant, buyable from Willard in Firsttown Atk: 13, Def: 9+2 Unlocks Tier 2 Sword spells, 75.0oz.
Stone Sword Rot Worm, Giant, buyable from Willard in Firsttown Atk: 19, Def: 12 Two Handed, Unlocks Tier 2 Sword spells, 140.0oz.
Falchion Mountain Core Dungeon Chest Atk: 15, Def: 15+2 Unlocks Tier 2 Sword spells, 100.0oz.
Shiny Blade Quest from Willard in Firsttown Atk: 24, Def: 16 Two Handed, Unlocks Tier 2 Sword spells, 110.0oz.
Runic Sword Dark Succubi, Mutator, Dwarven Hybrid, chest quest Atk: 20, Def: 16+3 Unlocks Tier 3 Sword spells, 125.0oz.
Sword of Greed Dwarven Treasury Dungeon Chest, upgradable using Bars of Gold somewhere inside Dwarven Treasury dungeon Atk: 18, Def: 12+3 Unlocks Tier 3 Sword spells, 160.0oz.
Tombsword Quest from Willard in Firsttown Atk: 28, Def: 17 Two Handed, Unlocks Tier 3 Sword spells, 170.0oz.
Devoted Sword Dark Succubi, Mutator, Dwarven Hybrid, chest quest Atk: 28, Def: 24 Two Handed, Unlocks Tier 3 Sword spells, +2 Faith, 177.7oz.
Springblade Dark Succubi, Mutator, Dwarven Hybrid, chest quest Atk: 22, Def: 17+3 Unlocks Tier 3 Sword spells, 150.0oz.
Black Sword Dark Succubi, Mutator, Dwarven Hybrid, chest quest Atk: 31, Def: 18 Two Handed, Unlocks Tier 3 Sword spells, 200.0oz.
Desecrator Sword Dark Succubi, Mutator, Dwarven Hybrid, chest quest Atk: 32, Def: 2 Two Handed, Unlocks Tier 3 Sword spells, Faith -10, 166.6oz.
Resin Blade Dark Succubi, Mutator, Dwarven Hybrid, chest quest Atk: 24, Def: 16+4 Unlocks Tier 4 Sword spells, 100.0oz.
Soulsteel Sword Dark Succubi, Mutator, Dwarven Hybrid, chest quest Atk: 25, Def: 18+4 Unlocks Tier 4 Sword spells, 175.0oz.
Dvorak Slaveslayer Dvorak Manor Dungeon Chest Atk: 26, Def: 14 Two Handed, Unlocks Tier 4 Sword spells, can be equipped only when player has red skull. Stays equipped when player loses it. 160.0oz.
Liberator Dvorak Manor Dungeon Chest Atk: 29, Def: 24 Two Handed, Unlocks Tier 4 Sword spells. Deals 5% extra damage to players with white skull and 10% extra damage to players with red skull. 160.0oz.
Reaper Sword Dark Succubi, Mutator, Dwarven Hybrid, chest quest Atk: 35, Def: 19 Two Handed, Unlocks Tier 4 Sword spells, 230.0oz.
Sacred Sword Dark Succubi, Mutator, Dwarven Hybrid, chest quest Atk: 31, Def: 19+4 Unlocks Tier 4 Sword spells, 200.0oz.
Fleshcleaver Dark Succubi, Mutator, Dwarven Hybrid, chest quest Atk: 37, Def: 20 Two Handed, Unlocks Tier 4 Sword spells, 260.0oz.
Cursed Mietch Dark Succubi, Mutator, Dwarven Hybrid, chest quest Atk: 31, Def: 23+5 Unlocks Tier 5 Sword spells, 225.0oz.
Galaxy Blade Dark Succubi, Mutator, Dwarven Hybrid, chest quest Atk: 35, Def: 19 Two Handed, Unlocks Tier 5 Sword spells, 290.0oz.
Timecutter Dark Succubi, Mutator, Dwarven Hybrid, chest quest Atk: 35, Def: 25+5 Unlocks Tier 5 Sword spells, 250.0oz.
Archangel Sword Dark Succubi, Mutator, Dwarven Hybrid, chest quest Atk: 48, Def: 35 Two Handed, Unlocks Tier 5 Sword spells, 320.0oz.


Name Picture From Base Stats Description
Lumberjack's Axe Found at the Beginners Beach on Elarah Continent Atk: 9, Def: 5-1 Unlocks Tier 1 Axe spell, 30.0oz
Two Handed Axe Dwarven Shielder Atk: 14, Def: 4 Two Handed, Unlocks Tier 1 Axe spell, 30.0oz
Treecutter Found at the Beginners Beach on Elarah Continent Atk: 13, Def: 6-1 Unlocks Tier 1 Axe spell, 60.0oz
Sickle Elven Warrior Atk: 15, Def: 5-2 Unlocks Tier 2 Axe spells, 48.0oz.
Heavy Axe Rot Worm, Giant, buyable from Willard in Firsttown Atk: 21, Def: 8-2 Unlocks Tier 2 Axe spells, 150.0oz.
War Axe Mountain Core Dungeon Chest Atk: 26, Def: 13 Two Handed, Unlocks tier 2 Axe spells, 135.0oz.
Cutcutter Dwarven Treasury Dungeon Chest, upgradable using Bars of Gold somewhere inside Dwarven Treasury dungeon Atk: 20, Def: 11-1 Unlock Tier 3 Axe spells, 160.0oz.
Soulcutter Soulbound Berserker Atk: 15 physical + 7 frost, Def: 5-3 Unlocks Tier 3 Axe spells, 105.0oz.
Dark Axe Quest from Willard in Firsttown Atk: 25, Def: 9-4 Unlocks Tier 3 Axe spells, 105.0oz.
Dark Halberd [Dungeon] Dvorak Guard, Behemoth, Black Behemoth Atk: 32, Def: 4 Two Handed, Doesn't unlock any spells, instead offering 2 range on regular attacks. 165.0oz.
Monstrous Axe Quest from Willard in Firsttown Atk: 29, Def: 10-3 Unlocks Tier 3 Axe spells, 190.0oz.
Skull Halberd [Dungeon] Dvorak Guard, Behemoth, Black Behemoth Atk: 40, Def: 3 Two Handed, Doesn't unlock any spells, instead offering 2 range on regular attacks. 195.0oz.
Dvorak Judgement Dvorak Manor Dungeon Chest Atk: 28, Def: 4 Two Handed, Unlocks Tier 4 Club spells, can be equipped only when player has red skull. Stays equipped when player loses it. 160.0oz.
Dragonwing Axe Mountain Core Dungeon Chest Atk: 30, Def: 11-4 Unlocks Tier 4 Axe spells, 160.0oz.
Winged Axe Buyable from Willard in Firsttown Atk: 36, Def: 12 Two Handed, Unlocks Tier 4 Axe spells, Speed +20, 225.0oz.
Void Chopper Shadow Servant, buyable from Willard in Firsttown Atk: 9 physical + 25 energy, Def: 5-4 Unlocks Tier 5 Axe spells, 230.0oz.
Crystal Chopper Shadow Servant, buyable from Willard in Firsttown Atk: 9 physical + 25 frost, Def: 5-4 Unlocks Tier 5 Axe spells, 230.0oz.
Earth Chopper Shadow Servant, buyable from Willard in Firsttown Atk: 9 physical + 25 earth, Def: 5-4 Unlocks Tier 5 Axe spells, 230.0oz.
Lava Chopper Shadow Servant, buyable from Willard in Firsttown Atk: 9 physical + 25 fire, Def: 5-4 Unlocks Tier 5 Axe spells, 230.0oz.
Eldricht Limbremover [Dungeon] Dvorak Conqueror, [Dungeon] Dvorak Champion Atk: 40, Def: 11-4 Unlocks Tier 5 Axe spells, 225.0oz.
Soul Halberd Solarite Golem Atk: 45 physical, Def: 5 Two Handed, Doesn't unlock any spells, instead offering 2 range on regular attacks. 255.0oz.
Reaper Scythe [Dungeon] Dvorak Conqueror, [Dungeon] Dvorak Champion Atk: 45, Def: 13-5 Unlocks Tier 5 Axe spells, 250.0oz.
Saint Axe Scribe, Dweller, Atk: 46, Def: 10 Two Handed, Unlocks Tier 5 Axe spells, 285.0oz.
Engraved Saint Axe Vulkaroth, Pyrorealm Maestro of Bravery Atk: 52, Def:10 Two Handed, Unlocks Tier 5 Axe spells, 315.0oz


Name Picture From Base Stats Description
Wooden Crossbow Found at the Beginners Beach on Elarah Continent Atk: 10, Range: 3 Two Handed, Unlocks Tier 1 Crossbow spell, 60.0oz
Copper Crossbow Dwarven Shielder Atk: 14, Range: 3 Two Handed, Unlocks Tier 1 Crossbow spell, 70.0oz
Steel Crossbow Minotaur Knight, Dwarven Soldier, buyable from Rudi in Elarah Town Atk: 16, Range: 3 Two Handed, Unlocks Tier 2 Crossbow spells, 90.0oz
Malachite Crossbow Elven Warrior Atk: 15 physical + 5 earth, Range: 3 Two Handed, Unlocks Tier 2 Crossbow spells, 100.0oz
Monstrous Crossbow Rot Worm, Giant, buyable from Willard in Firsttown Atk: 28, Range: 4 Two Handed, Unlocks Tier 3 Crossbow spells, 190.0oz
Aether Crossbow Soulbound Spearman Atk: 8 physical +22 frost, Range: 5 Two Handed, Unlocks Tier 3 Crossbow spells, 130.0oz
Crystal Crossbow Rot Worm, Giant, buyable from Willard in Firsttown Atk: 24 physical +10 energy, Range: 5 Two Handed, Unlocks Tier 4 Crossbow spells, 150.0oz
Devil Crossbow Mountain Core Dungeon Chest Atk: 40, Range: 5 Two Handed, Unlocks Tier 4 Crossbow spells, 230.0oz
Headpiercer Quest from Willard in Firsttown Atk: 44, Range: 6 Two Handed, Unlocks Tier 5 Crossbow spells, 250.0oz


Name Picture From Base Stats Description
Wooden Bow Found at the Beginners Beach on Elarah Continent Range: 4 Two Handed, Requires ammunition, Unlocks Tier 1 Bow spell, 31.0oz
Copper Bow Dwarven Shielder Range: 4, Atk +2 Two Handed, Requires ammunition, Unlocks Tier 1 Bow spell, 35.0oz
Steel Bow Minotaur Knight, Dwarven Soldier, buyable from Rudi in Elarah Town Range: 4, Atk +4 Two Handed, Requires ammunition, Unlocks Tier 2 Bow spells, 39.0oz
Malachite Bow Elven Warrior Range: 4, Atk +6 Two Handed, Requires ammunition, Unlocks Tier 2 Bow spells, 43.0oz
Basilisk Bow Rot Worm, Giant, buyable from Willard in Firsttown Range: 5, Atk +8 Two Handed, Requires ammunition, Unlocks Tier 3 Bow spells, 47.0oz
Aether Bow Soulbound Spearman Range: 5, Atk +10 Two Handed, Requires ammunition, Unlocks Tier 3 Bow spells, 51.0oz
Soulchord Soulbound Spearman Range: 6, Atk +1 Two Handed, Requires ammunition, Unlocks Tier 3 Bow spells, 51.0oz
Crystal Bow Mountain Core Dungeon Chest Range: 6, Atk +12 Two Handed, Requires ammunition, Unlocks Tier 4 Bow spells, 51.0oz
Mycelium Bow Mountain Core Dungeon Chest Range: 6, Atk +13 Two Handed, Requires ammunition, Unlocks Tier 4 Bow spells, 51.0oz
Devil Bow Quest from Willard in Firsttown Range: 6, Atk +14 Two Handed, Requires ammunition, Unlocks Tier 4 Bow spells, 51.0oz
Eldricht Visioner Quest from Willard in Firsttown Range: 6, Atk +15 Two Handed, Requires ammunition, Unlocks Tier 5 Bow spells, 51.0oz
Cosmic Bow Dark Succubi, Mutator, Dwarven Hybrid, chest quest Range: 7, Atk +16 Two Handed, Requires ammunition, Unlocks Tier 5 Bow spells, 51.0oz


Name Picture From Base Stats Description
Arrow Found at the Beginners Beach on Elarah Continent Atk: 22 0.4oz.
Soulquiver Dwarven Shielder Atk: 27 Infinite ammunition. Has no weight. Can store up to 8 items and has potential to never miss.
Leaf Quiver Dwarven Shielder Atk: 28 earth Infinite ammunition. Fires leafes instead of arrows, dealing Earth damage.
Royal Arrow Dwarven Shielder Atk: 32 1.0oz.
Runic Arrow Dwarven Shielder Atk: 40 0.7oz.
Runic Arrow Dwarven Shielder Atk: 40 0.7oz.
Heart Arrow Dwarven Shielder Atk: 20 Heals in square area around the target scaling with Magic, 0.9oz.
Empowered Heart Arrow Dwarven Shielder Atk: 25 Heals in square area around the target scaling with Magic, Increased area and Magic scaling, 0.9oz.
Spirit Arrow Dwarven Shielder Atk: 32 Increased chance to hit, 0.9oz.
Empowered Spirit Arrow Dwarven Shielder Atk: 43 Ignores 50% of target armor, 0.9oz.
Ohm Arrow Dwarven Shielder Atk: 19 energy Deals energy damage in area, 0.9oz.
Empowered Ohm Arrow Dwarven Shielder Atk: 23 Deals energy damage in area, Increased area, 0.9oz.
Sacral Arrow Dwarven Shielder Atk: 20 Deals holy damage in small area scaling with Magic, 0.9oz.
Empowered Sacral Arrow Dwarven Shielder Atk: 23 Deals holy damage in small area scaling with Magic, Increased area and scaling 0.9oz.
Medusa Arrow Dwarven Shielder Atk: 25 Deals earth damage in small area scaling with Finesse, 0.9oz.
Empowered Medusa Arrow Dwarven Shielder Atk: 30 Deals earth damage in small area scaling with Finesse, Slows targets hit by 33% for 1 second, 0.9oz.


Name Picture From Base Stats Description
Empty Emerald Wand Buyable from Scarlet in Greatcity Potion Shop - It needs to be charged to be used, 10.0oz.
Charged Emerald Wand Can be charged by Scarlet for 500 10-20 earth damage, Range: 3 Has 1000 charges after which it needs to be charged, +1 Magic, 33.0oz.
Empty Energy Staff Buyable from Vesuvius - It needs to be charged to be used, 15.0oz.
Charged Energy Staff Dwarven Shielder 20-40 energy damage, Range: 4 Two Handed, Has 1000 charges after which it needs to be charged, +2 Magic, 45.0oz.
Necromancer Wand Dwarven Shielder 20-60 death damage, Range: 3 Doesn't need to be charged, Requires 10 mana per attack, Magic +1, 80.0oz.
Empty Wand of Cobra Dwarven Shielder - It needs to be charged to be used, 20.0oz.
Charged Wand of Cobra Dwarven Shielder 30-70 Earth Damage Has 1000 charges after which it needs to be charged +6 Endurance, +2 Magic, 63.0oz.
Wand of The Mountain Dwarven Shielder 60-105 earth damage, Range: 3 Doesn't need to be charged, Requires 20 mana per attack, Magic +2, 80.0oz.
Empty Tombwand Buyable from Boner under Firsttown after completing a quest. - It needs to be charged to be used, 25.0oz.
Charged Tombwand Dwarven Shielder 60-90 death damage, Range: 3 Has 1000 charges after which it needs to be charged, +6 Intelligence, +6 Energy, +2 Magic, 100.0oz.
Holy Wand Dwarven Shielder 100 holy damage, Range: 3 Doesn't need to be charged, Requires 30 mana per attack, Faith +8, 80.0oz.
Stonezapper Petrified Forest Dungeon Chest Earth damage scaling with Magic, Range: 4 Doesn't need to be charged, Requires 45 mana per attack, hits in small area, 25.0oz.
Soulwand Dwarven Shielder 80-110 frost damage, Range: 3 Doesn't need to be charged, Requires 35 mana per attack, Magic +3, 80.0oz.
Empty Blueflame Wand Dwarven Shielder - It needs to be charged to be used, 25.0oz.
Charged Blueflame Wand 80-115 Fire Damage, Range: 3 - Has 1000 charges after which it needs to be charged. +6 Intelligence, +6 Faith, +3 Magic, 100.0oz.
Empty Pharaoh Wand Dwarven Shielder - It needs to be charged to be used, 30.0oz.
Pharaoh Wand Dwarven Shielder 90-140 HOly Damage, Range: 3 Deals energy damage in area, 0.9oz.
Phoenixfeather Wand Dwarven Shielder 150 fire damage, Range: 3 Doesn't need to be charged, Requires 40 mana per attack, Magic +4 80.0oz.
Eldricht Eyewatcher Dwarven Shielder 175 death damage, Range: 4 Doesn't need to be charged, Requires 45 mana per attack, Magic +5 62.5oz.
Desert Keeper Wand Dwarven Shielder 150-250 holy damage, Range: 4 Doesn't need to be charged, Requires 50 mana per attack, Magic +6 55.0oz.

Monster List

Look Name HP EXP Loot (drop chance)
Abomination 3000 1150 up to 64 gold coins (82%), up to 2 platinum coins (15%), up to 4 bone gem (9%), cursed heart (3%), regeneration ring (0.6%), catalyst of souls (0.4%), bag of valuables (0.25%), brown bookleather (0.2%)
Amazon 165 88 up to 31 gold coins (82%), up to 2 bread (11%), coin purse (1.2%), steel spear (1%), Summerbloom (0.95%), prime amulet (0.4%)
Azure Dragon 12000 6800 Loot
Bandit 155 75 up to 45 gold coins (56%), up to 2 bread (4.8%), coin purse (1.5%), small heath potion (1.2%), adventurer cap (0.7%), adventurer boots (0.6%), adventurer legs (0.5%), adventurer tunic (0.4%), steel dagger (0.35%)
Basilisk 1100 620 up to 80 gold coins (78%), up to 3 ham (18%), earth salt (5%), regeneration ring (1.2%), basilisk skull (0.8%), molecular earth (0.5%), stone claw (0.4%), gazestone buckler (0.26%) basilisk ring (0.16%), basilisk bow (0.12)
Bear 200 120 up to 6 meat (70%), up to 4 ham (56%), bear leather (1.1%)
Beetle 28 16 up to 6 gold coins (45%), up to 2 cherries (5%)
Behemoth 3575 1860 up to 200 gold coins (79%), up to 3 ham (11%), up to 2 big health potion (5%), behemoth skull (1.5%), chain boots(1.1%), cursed heart (0.7%), mountain heart (0.33%), Fallroot (0.28%), dark halberd (0.26%), bag of valuables (0.2%), basilisk ring (0.18%), ornamented shield (0.16%), monstrous axe (0.14%), brown bookleather (0.12%)
Black Behemoth 6000 2600 up to 5 platinum coins (64%), up to 6 ham (14%), up to 4 big health potion (9%), behemoth skull (4%), up to 3 voidfruit (0.5%), black sword (0.4%), devil bow (0.3%), cursed mietch (0.2%), silver bookleather (0.2%), soulstone buckler (0.12%), endurance bracelet (0.1%)
Black Hydra 3150 3650 Loot
Black Wyvern 770 410 up to 70 gold coins (78%), up to 3 ham (18%), regular health potion (4.5%), black wyvern skin (1.4%), black wyvern fang (0.5%), iron buckler (0.4%), longbow helmet (0.32%) black sapphire (0.1%)
Bloodhatcher 3100 1400 up to 120 gold coins (92%), up to 3 arachnid legs (12%), up to 2 big health potion (5%), bloodhatcher molt (2.5%), spider silk (1.0%), philosopher tiara (0.12%), spidersilk shirt (0.12%), wand of the mountain (0.1%), black sword (0.06%), void crystal (0.02%) (
Boar 80 38 up to 8 meat (65%), up to 4 ham (12%), venison (1%)
Caterpiller 1200 530 up to 80 gold coins (75%), up to 3 cracked insect egg (10%), up to 2 insect eye (2.4%), insect egg (1.2%), copper buckler (1%), philosopher trousers (0.4%), malachite spear (0.3%), emerald cracker (0.15%)
Crawler 7500 4200 Loot
Dark Succubi 730 625 Loot
Deer 24 6 up to 4 meat (56%), up to 2 ham (10%), deer hoof (0.87%)
Desecrator 3200 1665 Loot
Devoted 3200 1665 Loot
Dwarven Berserker 420 280 up to 60 gold coins (83.3%), regular health potion (9%), dwarven lamp (2%), journeyman boots (0.7%), journeyman legs (0.6%), journeyman armor (0.5%), heavy axe (0.45%), fossil (0.4%)
Dwarven Hybrid 3200 2000 up to 2 platinum coins (66%), diluted elemental drops (6%), dwarven talisman (4.5%), solid fire (1.5%), mountain heart (1.5%), perfect ruby (1%), dark axe (0.35%), mystery spellbook (0.35%), winged axe (0.25%), elemental fossil (0.15%)
Dwarven Miner 120 60 up to 30 gold coins (83.3%), small health potion (3.3%), anvil hammer (1.6%), dwarven lamp (1.5%),rope (1%), shovel (1%), steel dagger (0.5%), apprentice pickaxe (0.25%)
Dwarven Sage 900 800 up to 100 gold coins (83.3%), regular mana potion (11%), dwarven lamp (2.5%), molecular earth (0.8%), fallroot (0.6%), perfect ruby (0.5%), mountain heart (0.45%), wand of the mountains (0.3%), elemental fossil (0.15%)
Dwarven Shielder 220 110 up to 40 gold coins (83.3%), small health potion (9%), dwarven lamp (1.6%), treecutter (1.2%), wooden shield (1.2%), fossil (0.2%)
Dwarven Soldier 340 180 up to 50 gold coins (83.3%), regular health potion (9%), dwarven lamp (1.8%), sledgehammer (1.2%), studded buckler (1.2%), copper crossbow (0.8%), fossil (0.3%)
Dweller 5800 3450 up to 100 gold coins (50%), up to 4 platinum coins (20%), dweller skull (4%), unholy shield (0.5%), voidfruit (0.45%), brown bookleather (0.4%), bag of valuables (0.3%), sacred sword (0.25%), skull halberd (0.2%)
Earthspawn 125 150 Loot
Elven Arcanologist 800 740 up to 67 gold coins (69%), up to 4 bread (50%), elven pie (8%), up to 2 regular mana potion (6%), meditation ring (1%), apprentice hood (0.6%), cannary feather (0.53%), apprentice trousers (0.5%), apprentice tunic (0.4%), leshy skull (0.33%), apprentice boots (0.3%), empty energy staff (0.25%), broken genderblender mirror (0.1%)
Elven Black Knight 2100 1550 up to 80 gold coins (69.5%), platinum coin (20%), elven pie (8%), up to 14 banana (7%), melon (1%), Summerbloom (0.5%), dark axe (0.35%), Springdew (0.3%), potent weed (0.25%), monstrous axe (0.2%)
Elven Hero 2600 2100 up to 100 gold coins (82%), platinum coin (25%), elven pie (8%), big health potion (7%), up to 14 strawberry (4%), faith ring (1.2%) hero helmet (0.35%), hero legs (0.3%), potent weed (0.3%) hero armor (0.25%), mirror buckler (0.2%), springblade (0.2%), aether crossbow (0.18%), hero boots (0.15%), void crystal (0.1%), faith bracelet (0.08%)
Elven Sharpshooter 570 510 up to 50 gold coins (70%), up to 31 arrow (10%), elven pie (8%), up to 5 royal arrow (3.5%), adventurer cap (1.3%), adventurer boots (1.2%), adventurer legs (1.1%), adventurer tunic (1%), steel bow (0.9%), Cannary Feather (0.5%) longbow helmet (0.45%), broken genderblender mirror (0.1%)
Elven Shinobi 1800 1600 up to 100 gold coins (80%), up to 6 pear (10%), elven pie (8%), up to 6 small shuriken (9%), up to 4 shuriken (6%), giant shuriken (1%), molecular wind (0.66%) emerald dagger (0.36%), small bag of valuables (0.35%), potent weed (0.25%), assassin hood (0.24%), winged amulet (0.18%) assassin vest (0.16%)
Elven Warrior 840 560 up to 60 gold coins (69.5%), elven pie (8%), regular health potion (4.8%), leather shield (1.5%), up to 9 apple (3%), journeyman helmet (0.55%), journeyman boots (0.53%), journeyman legs (0.51%), Cannary feather (0.5%) journeyman armor (0.49%), falchion (0.37%), small bag of valuables (0.2%), broken genderblender mirror (0.1%)
Exarch 4850 2225 Loot
Fire Spirit 125 150 Loot
Frost Spirit 125 150 Loot
Giant 1775 900 up to 90 gold coins (84%), up to 14 meat (4.5%), giant eye (1%), giant skull (0.97%), copper shield (0.85%), stone sword (0.3%), mountain heart (0.22%), bag of valuables (0.2%), brown bookleather (0.1%)
Giant Rat 315 192 up to 40 gold coins (78%), small health potion (5.5%), giant rat teeth (1.1%), sickle (0.34%), philosopher boots (0.32%),
Gnome 6500 3850 Loot
Golden Skeleton 50 150 up to 300 gold coins (50%), golden skull (5%), golden ribcage (0.5%), golden steelbone (0.2%)
Gremlin 180 100 up to 31 gold coins (62%), meat (8%), adventurer legs (1%), adventurer tunic (0.8%), wooden mace (0.7%), Summerbloom (0.4%)
Gremlin Hunter 750 555 up to 72 gold coins (50.8%), up to 5 meat (10.8%), up to 3 ham (5.8%), journeyman boots (0.55%), journeyman legs (0.5%), journeyman armor (0.45%), primal spear (0.22%), springdew (0.15%), winterblossom (0.15%), venison (0.12%), deer hoof (0.12%), monstrous crossbow (0.1%)
Gremlin Kamikaze 800 800 none
Gremlin Smasher 700 475 up to 55 gold coins(69.8%), up to 2 meat (8%), journeyman boots (0.5%), journeyman legs (0.48%), journeyman armor (0.46%), heavy mace (0.43%), Springdew(0.4%)
Grey Wolf 72 40 up to 3 meat (55%), wolf leather (1.5%)
Graverobber 2900 1600 up to 2 platinum coins (33%), elven pie (8%), big health potion (4%), big mana potion (4%), journeyman boots (0.35%), journeyman legs (0.3%), journeyman armor (0.27%), runic sword (0.2%), tombsword (0.15%), skull (0.14%) living skin (0.14%), giant skull (0.13%), ectoplasm (0.13%), golden skull (0.12%), molecular darkness (0.12%), skeleton guard skull (0.12%), steelbone (0.12%), scarf (0.12%), cursed bone (0.12%), small bag of valuables (0.12%), catalyst of souls (0.1%), ritual book (0.1%), light shovel (0.1%), black sapphire (0.1%), black sword (0.1%), bag of valuables (0.1%), void crystal (0.1%), bagpipes backpack (0.1%)
Green Dragon 1300 740 up to 140 gold coins (55%), diluted dragon blood (6%), green dragon soulstone (5%), up to 4 bone gem (2.5%), green dragon souls (1%), mountain heart (0.8%), steel shield (0.7%), regeneration ring (0.6%), green dragon wing (0.5%), dragon tail (0.4%), emerald cracker (0.2%)
Green Dragon Hatchling 450 235 up to 55 gold coins (75%), bone gem (9%), green dragon soulstone (4%), molecular earth (0.8%), green dragon soul (0.5%)
Hedgehog 12 4 meat (10%), apple (6%), beautiful apple (0.6%)
Heretic 1750 1175 Loot
Holy Spirit 125 150 Loot
Hydra 2100 2350 Loot
Ice Succubi -- -- Loot
Imploder 4000 2200 up to 76 gold coins (84%), up to 3 platinum coins (17%), up to 5 bone gem (12%), cursed heart (4.4%), regeneration ring (0.9%), catalyst of souls (0.53%), bag of valuables (0.33%), brown bookleather (0.3%)
Lesser Vampire 2000 1000 Loot
Martyr 4850 2225 Loot
Minotaur Fighter 310 155 up to 22 gold coins (100%), up to 2 meat (9%), small health potion (7%), up to 2 minotaur horn (5%), testicle (1%), fighter vest (0.5%), Sher'shen badge(0.2%)
Minotaur Knight 360 200 up to 38 gold coins (100%), up to 3 meat (9%), up to 2 health potion (7%), up to 2 minotaur horn (3%), studded buckler (1.1%), chain helmet(0.6%), slicer (0.5%) chain vest(0.3%), Moochyc badge(0.2%)
Minotaur Marksman 260 160 up to 18 gold coins (100%), up to 22 arrow (8%) up to 2 minotaur horn (3%), up to 3 royal arrow (1.1%), broken arrow (1%), steel bow (0.6%), hunter vest (0.4%), Cygan badge(0.2%)
Mutator 800 490 up to 80 gold coins (86%), regular mana potion (6.4%), endurance ring (0.5%), broken trinket (0.4%) philosopher boots(0.3%), philosopher trousers(0.26%), mystery spellbook(0.24%), philosopher robe (0.22%), philosopher tiara (0.2%)
Necromancer 1500 1000 up to 80 gold coins (69%), skull (6%), up to 2 unholy salt (2.25%), skull staff (0.8%), dark book (0.5%), meditation ring (0.45%) necromancer wand (0.35%), deathcheater(0.25%), mystery spellbook (0.24%) ruby staff(0.23%), unholy amulet (0.14%) corrupted skull staff (0.02%)
Night Mare 8000 3800 up to 155 gold coins (75%), up to 4 platinum coins (18.5%), night mare skull (4%), up to 2 voidfruit (0.5%), up to 2 brown bookleather (0.35%), mirror buckler (0.25%), reaper sword (0.25%), executioner blade (0.125%)
Nudist 275 145 up to 40 gold coins (49%), cucumber (6.6%), up to 3 testicle (6%), Summerbloom (1.3%), stabber (0.66%), sickle(0.4%), Salami (0.2%)
Rabbit 10 3 up to 3 meat (36%), up to 2 carrot (10%)
Rat 14 5 up to 6 gold coins (90%), cheese (9.4%)
Renegade Archmage 3900 2875 Up to 160 gold coins (92%), bread (9%), up to 3 big mana potion (7.6%), sacral arrow,(4.4%) broken trinket(0.5%) amulet of spiritual shielding(0.45%), renegade robe (0.37%) philosopher tiara(0.36%), heavenstone(0.35%), aether bow (0.34%), enchanted spellbook (0.32%), faith bracelet (0.22%), holy wand(0.17%), saint shield (0.12%), black sapphire (0.1%)
Renegade Mage 410 345 up to 50 gold coins (92%), small mana potion (6.2%), coin purse (1%), Cannary Feather (0.95%), renegade robe (0.8%), meditation ring (0.4%), empty labeled vial (0.3%), spellweaver hat (0.2%)
Red Dragon 2000 1025 Loot
Red Dragon H. 675 355 up to 75 gold coins (75%), bone gem (9%), red dragonstone (4%), molecular fire (0.8%), red dragon soul (0.5%)
Rot Worm 100 50 up to 33 gold coins (55%), up to 3 meat (8%), up to 3 rot worm fang (4%), crowbar (1%), copper buckler (0.6%), treecutter (0.5%), crystal gem (0.2%)
Scribe 2300 1150 up to 155 gold coins (75%), skull (4%), ribcage (2%), crystal gem (1%), steel shield (0.8%), molecular darkness (0.6%), black sword (0.5%), small bag of valuables (0.4%), void fruit (0.3%), brown bookleather (0.25%)
Shadow Servant 420 250 up to 41 gold coins (75%), unholy salt (3%), steel sword (1.3%), skull (1%), steel shield (0.4%), shiny dagger (0.36%), chain vest (0.34%), dark book (0.3%), deathcheater (0.12%),
Skeleton 90 48 up to 70 gold coins (25%), skull (1.5%), studded buckler (0.9%), steel sword (0.8%), chain helmet (0.65%), ribcage (0.6%), unholy salt (0.55%), catalyst of souls (0.1%)
Skeleton Archer 1000 725 up to 90 gold coins (20%), up to 40 arrow (6.75%), skull (1.5%), up to 25 royal arrow (1.25%), ribcage (1%), steel bow (0.9%), chain boots (0.36%), malachite bow (0.3%), cursed bone (0.25%), up to 20 ohm arrow (0.1%), up to 20 spirit arrow (0.1%)
Skeleton Guard 1300 700 up to 90 gold coins (25%), skull (1.5%), slicer (0.78%), chain helmet (0.64%), skeleton guard skull (0.5%), chain legs (0.44%), chain vest (0.34%) runic sword (0.3%), small bag of valuables (0.18%), steelbone (0.14%), soulsteel sword (0.12%)
Skeleton Spellweaver 1425 900 up to 130 gold coins (25%), skull (1.5%), ribcage (1%), meditation ring (0.9%), apprentice hood (0.8%), spellweaver trousers (0.4%), spellweaver robe (0.35%), cursed bone (0.3%), mystery spellbook (0.25%), empty wand of cobra (0.25%), void ring (0.15%), unholy amulet (0.1%)
Snake 17 9 snake skin (2%)
Soulbound Berserker 2350 1700 up to 126 gold coins (22%), skull (4.8%), frost salt (6%), ribcage (2%), ice tear (0.8%), soulcutter (0.26%), crystalized soul (0.2%)
Soulbound Crippled 1160 840 up to 80 gold coins (25%), skull (4.2%), frost salt (2.1%), ribcage (1.8%), curver stabber (0.65), crystalized soul (0.2%)
Soulbound Guardian 1725 1050 up to 86 gold coins (27%), skull (4.4%), frost salt (2.3%), ribcage (2%), warrior helmet (0.4%), unholy shield (0.35%), curver stabber (0.3%), steelbone (0.25%), crystalized soul (0.2%)
Soulbound Longbow 1400 1150 Up to 114 gold coins (22%), skull (4.2%), frost salt (2.7%), ribcage (2.1%), ice tear (0.6%), longbow helmet (0.4%), soulchord (0.3%), soulquiver (0.2%), crystalized soul (0.2%)
Soulbound Lunatic 2550 1900 Up to 153 gold coins (22%), skull (5%), frost salt (5%), ribcage (2.5%), ice tear (1.0%), crystalized soul (0.3%), lunatic dream (0.2%), upgrade catalyst (0.15%), void crystal (0.1%), crystalized ribs (0.1%)
Soulbound Sage 1600 1150 up to 144 gold coins (22%), skull (4.8), frost salt (6), ribcage (2%), ice tear (0.9%), philosopher robe (0.3%), scarf (0.27%), cursed bone (0.25%), crystalized soul (0.2%), soulwand (0.18%)
Soulbound Spearman 1600 1150 up to 86 gold coins (22%), skull (4.4%), frost salt (2.5%), ribcage (2%), ice tear (0.6%), soulcrystal spear (0.4%), crystalized soul (0.2%)
Soulbound Wizard 1950 1250 Loot
Spider 52 31 up to 11 gold coins (63.3%), spider molt (8.1%)
Spiderite 445 285 up to 60 gold coins (60%), up to 3 arachnid leg (5%), up to 2 small health potion (4%), spider silk (0.5%), malachite crossbow (0.4%)
Stone Golem 650 400 Loot
Tarman 3600 1900 up to 160 gold coins (60%), up to 2 platinum coins (12%), up to 3 unholy salt (6%), chain helmet (0.6%), chain boots (0.5%), chain legs (0.4%), chain armor (0.3%), soulsteel sword (0.16%), ornamented shield (0.15%), upgrade catalyst (0.14%), void crystal (0.1%)
Valkyrie 2150 1650 Loot
Vampire 2750 1850 Loot
Vampire Beast 3100 2200 Loot
Wasp 32 24 jar of honey (2%)
Waspoid 1000 540 up to 60 gold coins (80%), up to 3 cracked insect egg (10%), up to 2 insect eye (2.4%), insect egg (1.2%), journeyman boots (1%), malachite bow (0.4%), longbow helmet (0.3%), emerald dagger (0.15%)
Warlock 2950 2250 up to 140 gold coins (94%), bread (14%), up to 2 big mana potion (7%), skull staff (0.9%), broken trinket (0.6%), spellweaver trousers (0.35%), void particle (0.32%), spellweaver hat (0.32%), spellweaver robe (0.32%), spellweaver boots (0.25%), warlock spellbook (0.17%) intelligence bracelet (0.16%) omnipotency amulet (0.14%), black sapphire (0.1%)
Weeber 1400 600 up to 90 gold coins (72%), up to 3 arachnid leg (8%), big health potion (3.5%), weeber molt (2.5%), steel shield (0.8%), spider silk (0.6%), spidersilk shirt (0.2%)
Wolf 35 22 up to 3 meat (45%), wolf leather (1.2%)
Zealot 1750 1175 Loot


Damage of Fire Spells scale with Magic and require Intelligence to be cast. Below you can read about the details:


Damage of Frost Spells scale with Magic and require Faith to be cast. Below you can read about the details:


Damage of Earth Spells scale with Magic and require Endurance to be cast. Below you can read about the details:


Damage of Energy Spells scale with Magic and require Energy to be cast. Below you can read about the details:


Damage of Holy Spells scale with Magic and require Endurance and Faith to be cast. Below you can read about the details:


Damage of Death Spells scale with Magic and require Intelligence and Energy to be cast. Below you can read about the details:


Skillbooks are items that offer special spells tailored to every situation, often with high cost and cooldown times. To cast a spell from a Skillbook, it must first be placed in the arrow slot. There are two types of Skillbooks - Brown Skillbooks, which offer basic versions of spells, and Silver Skillbooks, which are the ultimate versions of their Brown counterparts.

Bronze and Silver Skillbooks are crafted for you by Bog Dan, who resides in the underground to the southwest of Firsttown. To create them, you will need 20x Brown Bookleather. Bog Dan's family specializes in enchanting Brown Skillbooks and lives in the same underground area.

You unlock Silver Skillbook enchanting service once you complete a quest in the Rhwaana Jungle.

Skillbooks enchantments dissapear after 22 hours, no matter if equipped, lying in depot or when offline. After this time they turn to empty counterparts. This process of disenchantment can be quickened by using Rubber.

Below you can find details about the enchantments and description of the spells that can be infused into the Skillbooks:

Bronze Skillbooks

Skillbook Spell Requirements
Realmwarp Brown Skillbook, Void Particle, Void Particle, Heavenstone, Catalyst of Souls, Ectoplasm, Watcher Eye
Swap Brown Skillbook, Void Particle, Void Particle, Void Particle, Void Particle, Molecular Wind, Watcher Eye
Healing Consecration Bomb Brown Skillbook, Mountain Heart, Heavenstone, Molecular Earth, Broken Trinket
Mana Consecration Bomb Brown Skillbook, Ice Tear, Heavenstone, Molecular Water, Broken Trinket
Smoke Bomb Brown Skillbook, Solid Fire, Catalyst of Souls, Molecular Wind, Broken Trinket
Frost Aegis Brown Skillbook, Ice Tear, Mountain Heart, Solarite Core, Steelbone
Flame Aegis Brown Skillbook, Solid Fire, Void Particle, Solarite Core, Steelbone
Stone Aegis Brown Skillbook, Mountain Heart, Heavenstone, Solarite Core, Steelbone, Stone Claw
Ethereal Aegis Brown Skillbook, Void Particle, Catalyst of Souls, Solarite Core, Crystalized Soul, Cursed Bone
Hex Brown Skillbook, Mountain Heart, Mountain Heart, Catalyst of Souls, Stone Claw, Dragon Tail
Recall Brown Skillbook, Solid Fire, Solid Fire, Heavenstone, Heavenstone, Lunatic Dream
Duel Brown Skillbook, 40x Bondage Rope, Heavenstone, Mountain Heart, 15x Fanatic Doublon, Manticore Fang
Solarmoon Blade Brown Skillbook, Ritual Book, Void Particle, Solid Fire, 15x Heretic Doublon, Manticore Fang
Silencer Brown Skillbook, Void Particle, Heavenstone, Mountain Heart, Crystalized Soul, Cursed Bone
Heartstopper Brown Skillbook, Void Particle, Catalyst of Souls, Ice Tear, Crystalized Soul, Cursed Bone
Good Chaos Brown Skillbook, Ice Tear, Mountain Heart, Heavenstone, Molecular Holiness, Ritual Book
Bad Chaos Brown Skillbook, Solid Fire, Void Particle, Catalyst of Souls, Molecular Darkness, Ritual Book
Windform Brown Skillbook, Catalyst of Souls, Catalyst of Souls, Molecular Wind, Molecular Wind, Ectoplasm, Cursed Bone
Brown Soulstone Brown Skillbook, Catalyst of Souls, Catalyst of Souls, Catalyst of Souls, Catalyst of Souls, Cursed Bone, Cursed Bone


Damage of Club techniques scale with Brutality and require a Club type weapon in left hand to be used. Below you can read about the details:


Damage of Dagger techniques scale with Brutality and require a Dagger type weapon in left hand to be used. Below you can read about the details:


Damage of Sword techniques scale with Brutality and require a Sword type weapon in left hand to be used. Below you can read about the details:


Damage of Axe techniques scale with Brutality and require a Axe type weapon in left hand to be used. Below you can read about the details:


Damage of Spear techniques scale with Finesse and require a Spear type weapon in left hand to be used. Below you can read about the details:


Damage of Crossbow techniques scale with Finesse and require a Crossbow type weapon in left hand to be used. Crossbows do not require ammunition. Below you can read about the details:


Damage of Bow techniques scale with Finesse and require a Bow type weapon in left hand to be used. Bow autoattack damage depends on type of ammunition used. Below you can read about the details:


Instead of gaining skills through training, players gain strength through spending skillpoints that are obtained through leveling up, finishing certain tasks and quests or other special activities. Players start with 20 skill point to spend.
Skillpoints per level:
Levels 1-20: 3 skillpoints
Levels 21-151: 2 skillpoints
Levels 152+: 1 skillpoint
Every stat has a limit that increases with each level gained.

Stats explained below:

Magic: Increases damage from spells.

Vitality: Grants 6 max health.

Brutality: Increases meele damage dealt, grants 3 capacity and 1 max health.

Endurance: Increases defence proficiency (from two-handed weapons and shields), grants 12 capacity and 3 max health. Unlocks earth (and holy, paired with faith) spells.

Finesse: Slightly increases damage from daggers. Increases range weapons damage, attack speed and movement speed.

Intelligence: Increases wand damage by 1% and grants 5 max mana. Unlocks fire (and death, paired with energy) spells.

Faith:Increases rod damage by 1% and grants 5 mana. Unlocks frost (and holy, paired with endurance) spells.

Energy: Grants 15 max mana. Unlocks energy (and death, paired with intelligence) spells.

Item Level

Item level is an attribute that every equippable item possesses, except those that disappear after time. It determines the strength of enchantments on the item. Items from quest chests have a predetermined item level, while those obtained from defeated monsters have a level dependent on the monster's strength (max HP + experience). Items from dungeon chests have a certain range of possible levels to be rolled, which can be increased by 10% with the help of a Dungeon Chest upgrade scroll. The item level of each item can be increased by 3 for each upgrade level, up to a maximum of +9. You can read more about Upgrade Crystals in the Upgrade tab.

Equipment received from Dungeon Chests, quests, and looted from Monsters gain extra stats based on their item level:

Melee weapons: +1 attack and defence per 15 item levels.

Ranged weapons: +1% Hitchance per 10 item levels.

Necklaces, rings, shields, helmets, armors, legs, and boots: +1 defence per 15 item levels.

Equippable items purchased from merchants have an item level of 0 and completely lose their stats when upgraded using an Upgrade Crystal.


Tasks are quests assigned by NPCs that can be found in depots of all main cities.

The tasks are listed by categories and the lowest recommended level for first task in the task type.

This means it's probably worth scrolling lower and lower and you might be able to find something for yourself!

Every task can be done only once, and some of them offer a skillpoint to spend for completing it.

Every task can be stopped and continued later on.

Beginner Tasks(Lvls 1-20+)

Monster Name Skillpoints Amount EXP Rewards
Rabbit 0 50 300 400 gold coins, 20 brown mushroom, 5x handcrafted small health potion, 5x handcrafted small mana potion
Wolf 0 125 3750 1000 gold coins, 3x wolf leather, crystal fossil
Grey Wolf 0 150 8000 1000 gold coins, 3x wolf leather, 2x crystal fossil
Skeleton 0 200 6000 1000 gold coins, golden skull
Bear 0 100 16000 2500 gold coins, 2x bear skin, 3x crystal fossil
Shadow Servant 0 250 75000 x50 unholy salt, meditation ring, regeneration ring
Giant Rat 0 200 47500 5000 gold coins, 5x giant rat teeth, 5x crystal fossil

Insects, arachnids and swamp monsters(Lvls 1-50+)

Monster Name Skillpoints Amount EXP Rewards
Snake 0 50 900 200 gold coins, 10x handcrafted small health potion, 10x handcrafted small mana potion
Beetle 0 100 3000 400 gold coins, Summerbloom, Cannary Feather
Rot Worm 0 200 15000 2500 gold coins, 6x crystal fossil
Swamp Fairy 0 200 20000 1000 gold coins, x5 cannary feather, x5 summerbloom
Spiderite 0 200 80000 2000 gold coins, x3 spider silk
Caterpiller 0 500 300000 50000 gold coins, x50 time token, 20x insectoid egg
Waspoid 0 500 325000 50000 gold coins, x50 time token, 20x insectoid egg
Weeber 1 400 300000 30000 gold coins, x10 spider silk
Basilisk 1 300 325000 40000 gold coins, mountain heart, upgrade catalyst
Bloodhatcher 1 400 600000 60000 gold coins, x20 spider silk

Minor Races(Lvls 5-35)

Monster Name Skillpoints Amount EXP Rewards
Dwarven Miner 0 100 9750 1000 gold coins, 3x dynamite, crystal fossil
Gremlin 0 100 12000 2000 gold coins, 3x crystal fossil
Minotaur Fighter 0 150 30000 2500 gold coins, Sher'shen emblem
Minotaur Marskman 0 150 25000 2000 gold coins, Cygann emblem
Minotaur Knight 0 150 35000 3000 gold coins, Moochyc emblem
Gremlin Smasher 1 300 180000 15000 gold coins, 12x crystal fossil
Gremlin Hunter 1 250 200000 20000 gold coins, 5x springdew, 5x winterblossom, 5x crystal fossil
Gremlin Kamikaze 0 300 225000 journeyman pickaxe, 10x dynamite, 10x crystal fossil
Dwarven Sage 1 400 400000 5x fall root, x12 crystal fossil

Outlaws(Lvls 10-25+)

Monster Name Skillpoints Amount EXP Rewards
Bandit 0 100 10500 2500 gold coins, x2 regeneration ring, x2 crystal fossil
Amazon 0 100 11750 1500 gold coins, hair rope, x2 crystal fossil
Nudist 0 200 43500 5000 gold coins, x18 testicle, 5x crystal fossil
Renegade Mage 0 125 72500 4000 gold coins, x2 meditation ring, energy ring, x3 crystal fossil
Mutator 0 100 8000 10000 gold coins, x2 molecular earth

Minor Elementals(Lvls 20+)

Monster Name Skillpoints Amount EXP Rewards
Stone Golem 0 300 155000 6000 gold coins, x2 endurance ring, mountain heart
Water Elemental 0 300 135000 6000 gold coins,2x faith ring, molecular water

Elven Tasks(Lvls 25-60+)

Monster Name Skillpoints Amount EXP Rewards
Elven Warrior 1 300 175000 10000 gold coins, 3x enchant crystal, 3x alter crystal
Elven Sharpshooter 1 300 175000 4000 gold coins, 3x enchant crystal, 3x fortune crystal, x400 runic arrow
Elven Arcanologist 1 300 250000 6000 gold coins, x5 enchant crystal, x5 alter crystal, x5 fortune crystal, x2 void particle
Elven Black Knight 2 400 750000 55000 gold coins, elven ziplock, black salami, potent weed
Elven Shinobi 2 400 750000 60000 gold coins, elven ziplock, yellow salami, potent weed
Elven Hero 2 400 825000 80000 gold coins, elven ziplock, x2 faith ring, x5 faith crystal, potent weed

Holy Tasks(Lvls 25-100+)

Monster Name Skillpoints Amount EXP Rewards
Sunsage 0 200 72000 8000 gold coins, solid fire, heavenstone
Valkyre 1 400 300000 10000 gold coins, upgrade catalyst, void crystal
Solarite Golem 1 350 400000 30000 gold coins, x2 upgrade catalyst
Zealot 1 400 500000 50000 gold coins, x2 heavenstone, x3 upgrade crystal
Devoted 1 300 500000 75000 gold coins, x3 heavenstone, x3 upgrade crystal, upgrade catalyst
Martyr 2 300 750000 10000 gold coins, x3 heavenstone, x5 upgrade crystal, upgrade catalyst
Angel 2 400 1300000 140000 gold coins, x2 silver bookleather, x5 heavenstone, x50 holy salt
Archangel 3 250 1500000 200000 gold coins, solar charger x10 heavenstone, x100 holy salt

Unholy Tasks(Lvls 25-100+)

Monster Name Skillpoints Amount EXP Rewards
Walking Dead 0 400 150000 20000 gold coins, x2 brown bookleather
Dark Succubi 0 200 100000 4000 gold coins, x3 black soulstone, ritual book
Skeleton Guard 1 300 240000 5000 gold coins, x10 crystal fossil, x2 steelbone
Skeleton Archer 1 300 240000 5000 gold coins, x10 crystal fossil, x2 cursed bone
Skeleton Spellweaver 1 300 290000 10000 gold coins, x15 crystal fossil, steelbone, cursed bone, void particle
Necromancer 1 500 750000 20000 gold coins, x2 catalyst of souls, void crystal
Soulbound Guardian 1 400 450000 20000 gold coins, steelbone, void crystal
Heretic 1 400 500000 50000 gold coins, x2 catalyst of souls, x3 upgrade crystal
Soulbound Longbow 1 400 500000 20000 gold coins, void crystal, cursed bone
Scribe 1 350 600000 60000 gold coins, 2x brown bookleather, silver bookleather
Desecrator 2 300 500000 75000 gold coins, 3x catalyst of souls, 3x upgrade crystal, upgrade catalyst
Exarch 2 300 750000 100000 gold coins, 3x catalyst of souls, 5x upgrade crystal, upgrade catalyst
Black Behemoth 2 400 1000000 120000 gold coins, 3x brown bookleather, 2x silver bookleather
Crawler 2 400 1200000 150000 gold coins, 2x void crystal
Dweller 2 400 1250000 170000 gold coins, 2x void crystal, 2x upgrade catalyst , 2x upgrade crystal
Night Mare 3 666 2500000 190000 gold coins, 3x void crystal, 3x upgrade catalyst , 3x upgrade crystal

Dragon Tasks(Lvls 10-155+)

Monster Name Skillpoints Amount EXP Rewards
Green Dragon Hatchling 0 150 40000 1500 gold coins, x25 earth salt, x5 crystal fossil
Red Dragon Hatchling 0 150 50000 3000 gold coins, x25 fire salt, x8 crystal fossil
Green Dragon 1 400 295000 10000 gold coins, x2 mountain heart, x10 crystal fossil
Red Dragon 1 400 240000 10000 gold coins, x2 solid fire, x12 crystal fossil
Hydra 1 500 800000 40000 gold coins, mountain heart, ice tear, upgrade catalyst
Manticore 2 400 700000 55000 gold coins, mountain heart, void particle, solid fire, ice tear
Black Hydra 1 500 1000000 80000 gold coins, x2 mountain heart, x2 catalyst of souls, x2 void crystal
Azure Dragon 2 400 1450000 120000 gold coins, x3 void particle, x2 void crystal
Black Dragon 2 400 1500000 150000 gold coins, catalyst of souls, x2 upgrade catalyst


Dungeons are special places in the world of Customa. Monsters in these areas don't usually offer any equipment loot, instead yielding increased amout of gold and a chance for Dungeon Tokens. The rarest of loot are the Dungeon Keys that are required to open Dungeon Chests

Monsters in Dungeons spawn in 300 seconds instead of regular 60.

Monsters in Dungeons usually have unique mechanics that might require quick reflexes and coordination to avoid enormous amount of damage.

Inside each dungeon there is a boss - only one team can fight boss at a time, and every participant gets a few hour cooldown, no matter the outcome of fight. Plan accordingly!

No matter the amount of participants - the boss always yields only one Dungeon Chest. Therefore, if the boss is easy for you, it's better to go solo!

If you die inside of a boss room you might be unable to retrieve the loot by yourself, so be cautious! .

Better don't go alone if you're not way overleveled.

Every chest can be upgraded by using upgrade scrolls that can be bought using Dungeon Tokens from Keyo at the entrance to the Dwarven Treasury Dungeon. Those upgraded chest are called Plentiful and have common loot pool removed while increasing the amount of items and the item level of equipment found inside of it.

Below you can read about some of the dungeons, whilst some beings wish their domains to remain a mystery:

Mountain Core

Since the dawn of time, alcohol supplies have regularly disappeared from the town of Elarah. Although the local drunks were suspected, even they eventually had to sober up. Deep in the darkness of Mountain Core, Jimbo is preparing a ritual that will release the full power of the alcohol collected over the centuries into his Yabola Infinita, in order to forever enslave the inhabitants of Elarah and rise to the surface with his Ogre brethren...

Recommended level: 35+

Minimum level to fight the boss: 30

Upgrade Scroll price: 25 Dungeon Tokens


Monster Name HP XP Loot
Ogre Clubmasta 3400 1700 up to 95 gold coins, up to 4 ham, regeneration ring, dungeon token, wonderbimber, manogon, ogresmasher, Mountain Core chest key
Ogre Clubmasta 2700 1600 up to 90 gold coins, up to 4 ham, regeneration ring, dungeon token, wonderbimber, manogon, stabber, Mountain Core chest key
Jimbo The Drunkard 16000 4500 up to 25 platinum coins, Mountain Core chest, up to 2 dungeon tokens, up to 4 crystal fossils, brown bookleather, Mountain Core upgrade scroll

Regular Chest Loot

Item Name Description Item LVL Base Stats Rarity
80x Platinum Coin - - - Common
5x Crystal Fossil - - - Common
Flask of Mitoticka Makes the user drunk for 90 seconds while regenerating 20% of HP and MP. Can't be used while drunk. - - Common
3x Flask of Wonderbimber Makes the user drunk for 60 seconds while regenerating 20% of HP. Can't be used while drunk. - - Uncommon
3x Flask of Managon Makes the user drunk for 60 seconds while regenerating 20% of MP. Can't be used while drunk. - - Uncommon
Ogretooth Amulet Brutality +3 20-40 - Uncommon
Bear Helmet Brutality +4, Intelligence -2, Magic -2 25-40 Def: 2 Rare
Primal Headccover Magic +4, Intelligence -10, Faith -10 25-40 Def: 3 Rare
Earthshaker It doesn't unlock any spells, instead making your attacks hit in area. 25-45 Atk: 17, Def: 4 Epic
Spellbook of Drunkard Gives access to the ,,Drunken Hazel" spells, making the target player drunk for 12 seconds (30 seconds cooldown, 24 soul cost). 30-45 Def: 12 Epic

Plentiful Chest Loot

Item Name Description Item LVL Base Stats Rarity
5x Flask of Wonderbimber Makes the user drunk for 60 seconds while regenerating 20% of HP. Can't be used while drunk. - - Uncommon
5x Flask of Managon Makes the user drunk for 60 seconds while regenerating 20% of MP. Can't be used while drunk. - - Uncommon
Ogretooth Amulet Brutality +3 25-45 - Uncommon
Bear Helmet Brutality +4, Intelligence -2, Magic -2 30-45 Def: 2 Rare
Primal Headccover Magic +4, Intelligence -10, Faith -10 30-45 Def: 3 Rare
Earthshaker It doesn't unlock any spells, instead making your attacks hit in area. 30-50 Atk: 17, Def: 4 Epic
Spellbook of Drunkard Gives access to the ,,Drunken Hazel" spells, making the target player drunk for 12 seconds (30 seconds cooldown, 24 soul cost). 30-50 Def: 12 Epic

Petrified Forest

The Petrified Forest used to be an underground research facility studying the effects of blue elven herb on other races. However, combined with the recently invented dwarven bong, the magical smoke turned everyone present and the surrounding area into living stones. Now, the Petrifier lures travelers with a sweet scent to create a stone army and conquer Highcastle, aiming to create a mixture that will allow him to turn the entire world to stone...

Recommended level: 45+

Minimum level to fight the boss: 35

Upgrade Scroll price: 50 Dungeon Tokens


Monster Name HP XP Loot
Moss Elemental 3600 1980 up to 100 gold coins, 1-2 crystal gem, mountain heart, dungeon token, first part of Rootheart Seal, Supersoft, Protector Shield, Petrified Forest chest key
Living Root 3000 1900 up to 99 gold coins, earth salt, endurance ring, dungeon token, second part of Rootheart Seal, Supsersoft, Oak Spellbook, Petrified Forest chest key
Stonermoth 3850 2900 up to 90 gold coins, up to 4 crystal gems, mountain heart, dungeon token, third part of Rootheart Seal, Supersoft, Healing Trinket, Petrified Forest chest key
The Petrifier 18000 6750 up to 50 platinum coins, Petrified Forest chest, up to 3 dungeon tokens, up to 5 crystal fossils, brown bookleather, Petrified Forest upgrade scroll

Regular Chest Loot

Item Name Description Item LVL Base Stats Rarity
1x Crystal Coin - - - Common
5x Crystal Fossil - - - Common
Treebark Amulet (500 charges) Physical & Earth protection 4%, Fire protection -12%. - - Common
Forest Guardian Helmet Endurance +2, Health regeneration +1, +1% Earth protection, -1% Fire protection. 30-50 Def: 3 Uncommon
Forest Guardian Armor Endurance +4, Health regeneration +3, +4% Earth protection, -4% Fire protection. 30-50 Def: 6 Uncommon
Forest Guardian Legs Endurance +3, Health regeneration +2, +3% Earth protection, -3% Fire protection 30-50 Def: 4 Uncommon
Forest Guardian Boots Endurance +1, Health regeneration +1, +1% Earth protection, -1% Fire protection 30-50 Def: 2 Uncommon
Leechseeder Unlocks Tier 3 Club spells. Hits area around the target in a cross shape, dealing minor Earth damage. 25-55 Atk: 19, Def: 9 Rare
Stonezapper Requires 45 mana per hit. Strikes in area, dealing Earth damage. Damage scales with Magic (Range: 4) 25-55 - Rare
Mark of The Forest Enchantable ring. Gives access to ,,The Photosynthesis" - heavy healing spell usable only at the surface (300 seconds cooldowns, no cost). 25-55 Atk: 23, Def: 4 Rare
Petrifier Unlocks Tier 4 Dagger spells. 25-55 Atk: 23, Def: 4 Epic
Orchid Backpack +1% Earth protection. - - Epic

Plentiful Chest Loot

Item Name Description Item LVL Base Stats Rarity
Forest Guardian Helmet Endurance +2, +1 health regeneration, +1% Earth protection, -1% Fire protection. 35-55 Def: 3 Uncommon
Forest Guardian Armor Endurance +4, +3 health regeneration, +4% Earth protection, -4% Fire protection. 35-55 Def: 6 Uncommon
Forest Guardian Legs Endurance +3, +2 health regeneration, +3% Earth protection, -3% Fire protection 35-55 Def: 4 Uncommon
Forest Guardian Boots Endurance +1, +1 health regeneration, +1% Earth protection, -1% Fire protection 35-55 Def: 2 Uncommon
Leechseeder Unlocks Tier 3 Club spells. Hits area around the target in a cross shape, dealing minor Earth damage. 30-60 Atk: 19, Def: 9 Rare
Stonezapper Requires 45 mana per hit. Strikes in area, dealing Earth damage. Damage scales with Magic (Range: 4) 30-60 - Rare
Mark of The Forest Enchantable ring. Gives access to ,,The Photosynthesis" - heavy healing spell usable only at the surface (300 seconds cooldowns, no cost). 30-60 Atk: 23, Def: 4 Rare
Petrifier Unlocks Tier 4 Dagger spells. 30-60 Atk: 23, Def: 4 Epic
Orchid Backpack +1% Earth protection, Vol: 25. - - Epic

Dwarven Treasury

Dwarven Treasure is a place filled with tension. The dwarves residing there are willing to trade or fight - they will do anything in the name of wealth. This is all because of Corrupted By Greed, a demon of avarice who tempted the dwarves - a lower race - with visions of hedonism. Now, he gathers all the gold from the continent to build a giant golden golem, which will allow him to feel fulfilled. Fulfilled on the ruins of Greatcity, in the royal treasury...

Recommended level: 45+

Minimum level to fight the boss: 35

Upgrade Scroll price: 75 Dungeon Tokens


Monster Name HP XP Loot
Watchdwarf 2500 1500 up to 100 gold coins, dwarven lamp, solid fire, dungeon token, bar of gold, elemental fossil, perfect ruby, heavy axe, Dwarven Treasury chest key
Dwarven Bouncer 3300 2000 up to 135 gold coins, dwarven lamp, regular health potion, solid fire, dungeon token, bar of gold, elemental fossil, perfect ruby, battle hammer, Dwarven Treasury chest key
Dwarven Desperate 500 0 none
Corrupted by Greed 18000 6750 up to 50 platinum coins, Dwarven Treasury chest, up to 16 bars of gold, up to 4 dungeon tokens, up to 6 crystal fossils, brown bookleather, mountain heart, solid fire, Dwarven Treasury upgrade scroll

Regular Chest Loot

Item Name Description Item LVL Base Stats Rarity
2x Crystal Coin - - - Common
8x Crystal Fossil - - - Common
8x Bar of Gold Resource required for upgrading Sword of Greed, Cutcutter, Moneybanger and for smelting Molten set. - - Common
La Tiarra Can be sold for for 60000 gold coins. - - Uncommon
Goblet of Greed Can be sold for 90000 gold coins. - - Uncommon
2x Upgrade Catalyst Protects an item that is being upgraded from failure and critical failure, dissapearing in process. - - Uncommon
Elemental Fossil Gives a random elemental stone on use, which is helpful for Artifact and Book crafting. 14% chance to dissapear on use. - - Uncommon
16/24x Bar of Gold Resource required for upgrading Sword of Greed, Cutcutter, Moneybanger and for smelting Molten set. - - Rare
Sword of Greed Unlocks Tier 3 Sword spells. Its item level can be upgraded up to 100 by NPC in Dwarven Treasury using golden bars. 40 Atk: 18, Def: 12+1 Epic
Cutcutter Unlocks Tier 3 Axe spells. Its item level can be upgraded up to 100 by NPC in Dwarven Treasury using golden bars. 40 Atk: 20, Def: 11-1 Epic
Moneybanger Unlocks Tier 3 Club spells. Its item level can be upgraded up to 100 by NPC in Dwarven Treasury using golden bars. 40 Atk: 19, Def: 11 Epic

Plentiful Chest Loot

Item Name Description Item LVL Base Stats Rarity
La Tiarra Can be sold for for 60000 gold coins. - - Uncommon
Goblet of Greed Can be sold for 90000 gold coins. - - Uncommon
3x Upgrade Catalyst Protects an item that is being upgraded from failure and critical failure, dissapearing in process. - - Uncommon
Elemental Fossil Gives a random elemental stone on use, which is helpful for Artifact and Book crafting. 14% chance to dissapear on use. - - Uncommon
24/32x Bar of Gold Resource required for upgrading Sword of Greed, Cutcutter, Moneybanger and for smelting Molten set. - - Rare
Sword of Greed Unlocks Tier 3 Sword spells. Its item level can be upgraded up to 100 by NPC in Dwarven Treasury using golden bars. 45 Atk: 18, Def: 12+1 Epic
Cutcutter Unlocks Tier 3 Axe spells. Its item level can be upgraded up to 100 by NPC in Dwarven Treasury using golden bars. 45 Atk: 20, Def: 11-1 Epic
Moneybanger Unlocks Tier 3 Club spells. Its item level can be upgraded up to 100 by NPC in Dwarven Treasury using golden bars. 45 Atk: 19, Def: 11 Epic


Sweet smoke still rises above the marble palace of Highcastle. In this place of eternal feasting and chillout, ascended elves, called High Elves immerse their senses in everlasting glory alongside their heroes, growing special varieties of weed that strengthen the body and mind. They guard the Ganja Golem, which, when it blooms, will yield a harvest that's going to allow the High Elves to ascend once again, even higher, becoming beings who wield power over the entire universe...

Recommended level: 60+

Minimum level to fight the boss: 50

Upgrade Scroll price: 100 Dungeon Tokens


Monster Name HP XP Loot
High Elf Hero 5000 2450 up to 150 gold coins, holy salt, elven pie, big health potion, dungeon token, high elf ziplock, hero helmet, hero armor, hero legs, hero boots, Highcastle chest key
High Elf Bard 4100 2500 up to 3 platinum coins, holy salt, elven pie, big mana potion, dungeon token, high elf ziplock, troubadur armor, troubadur legs, troubadur boots, wardrum, Highcastle chest key
Marijuanos The Mindbender 16000 8000 up to 75 platinum coins, up to 12 elven pies, big health potion, up to 3 crystal fossils, dungeon token, high elf ziplock, sheated resin blade, Highcastle chest key
Gastronaut 20000 8000 up to 75 platinum coins, up to 12 elven pies, big health potion, up to 3 crystal fossils, dungeon token, high elf ziplock, gastropot, Highcastle chest key
Sovereign of the Stone Garden 14000 8000 up to 75 platinum coins, up to 12 elven pies, big health potion, up to 3 crystal fossils, dungeon token, high elf ziplock, potpot kit, Highcastle chest key
Ganja Golem 24000 12000 100 platinum coins, Highcastle Chest, up to 6 dungeon tokens, up to 8 crystal fossils, Highcastle upgrade scroll

Regular Chest Loot

Item Name Description Item LVL Base Stats Rarity
4x Crystal Coin - - - Common
11x Crystal Fossil - - - Common
Mindguard Enchantable amulet. Manadrain protection +5%, Lifedrain protection -5%. Dissapears on dying, protecting the player from losing any loot. 50 - Common
High Elf Ziplock Gives a random alchemy ingredient on use, which is helpful for brewing handcrafted potions. 12% chance to dissapear on use. - - Uncommon
Gorillaglue Seed Can be used on a potpot to grow some pot. It is said that the Gorillaglue makes your body tough as the one of a gorilla, permamently increasing your health. Requires a week to grow. - - Uncommon
Mindexpander Seed Can be used on a potpot to grow some pot. It is said that the Mindexpander expands your mind, permamently increasing your mana. Requires a week to grow. - - Uncommon
Gymgan Seed Can be used on a potpot to grow some pot. It is said that the Gymgan makes your gains bigger, permamently increasing your capacity. Requires a week to grow.. - - Uncommon
Charged Solar Crystal Can be used on a growing weed to accelerate its growth by 1 stage. Needs to be charged after use. Cumill near Eldricht Library Dungeon can help you with that. - - Rare
2x Brown Bookleather Resource required for crafting Skillbooks. - - Rare
Winged Backpack Speed +10, Vol: 40 - - Epic
Genderblender Mirror Unlocks the Little Devil outfit on use, then breaks and can be sold. - - Epic

Plentiful Chest Loot

Item Name Description Item LVL Base Stats Rarity
2x High Elf Ziplock Gives a random alchemy ingredient on use, which is helpful for brewing handcrafted potions. 12% chance to dissapear on use. - - Uncommon
2x Gorillaglue Seed Can be used on a potpot to grow some pot. It is said that the Gorillaglue makes your body tough as the one of a gorilla, permamently increasing your health. Requires a week to grow. - - Uncommon
2x Mindexpander Seed Can be used on a potpot to grow some pot. It is said that the Mindexpander expands your mind, permamently increasing your mana. Requires a week to grow. - - Uncommon
2x Gymgan Seed Can be used on a potpot to grow some pot. It is said that the Gymgan makes your gains bigger, permamently increasing your capacity. Requires a week to grow.. - - Uncommon
2x Charged Solar Crystal Can be used on a growing weed to accelerate its growth by 1 stage. Needs to be charged after use. Cumill near Eldricht Library Dungeon can help you with that. - - Rare
4x Brown Bookleather Resource required for crafting Skillbooks. - - Rare
Winged Backpack Speed +10, Vol: 40 - - Epic
Genderblender Mirror Unlocks the Little Devil outfit on use, then breaks and can be sold. - - Epic

Dvorak Manor

Dvorak Manor is a place where the aura of evil has always been exceptionally strong. Seemingly an ordinary manor, it hides primordial evil in its underground chambers. Dvorak, a Djinn born from this ancient evil, tempts his followers by granting wishes in exchange for pacts on their souls. With each wish fulfilled, his influence grows, slowly warping the fabric of the universe. He awaits a soul powerful enough to help him bring an end to this world. The clock is ticking...

Recommended level: 65+

Minimum level to fight the boss: 50

Upgrade Scroll price: 125 Dungeon Tokens


Monster Name HP XP Loot
Dvorak Guard 4000 2100 up to 4 platinum coins, dungeon token, Dvorak's pact, shiny blade, crusader legs, crusader boots, Dvorak Manor door key
Dvorak Conqueror 4800 2700 up to 3 platinum coins, up to 100 gold coins, dungeon token, Dvorak's pact, crusader helmet, crusader armor, crusader legs, crusader boots, Dvorak Manor chest key
Dvorak Assassin 4400 2650 up to 3 platinum coins, up to 60 gold coins, dungeon token, Dvorak's pact, assassin hood, assassin vest, curver stabber, Dvorak Manor chest key
Dvorak Champion 6000 3400 up to 5 platinum coins, up to 70 gold coins, dungeon token, Dvorak's pact, faith ring, crusader helmet, crusader armor, crusader legs, crusader boots, Dvorak Manor chest key
Dvorak Manifestation 28000 16000 up to 100 platinum coins, Dvorak Manor chest, up to 7 dungeon tokens, up to 9 crystal fossils, brown bookleather, Dvorak Manor upgrade scroll

Regular Chest Loot

Item Name Description Item LVL Base Stats Rarity
8x Crystal Coin - - - Common
13x Crystal Fossil - - - Common
Lifeguard Enchantable amulet. Lifedrain protection +5%, Manadrain protection -5%. Dissapears on dying, protecting the player from losing any loot. 50 - Uncommon
Dvorak Judgement Unlocks Tier 3 Axe spells. Can be worn only when player has red skull. Can still be used after red skull dissapears after equipping. 45-65 Atk: 28, Def: 4 Uncommon
Dvorak Slaveslayer Unlocks Tier 3 Sword spells. Can be worn only when player has red skull. Can still be used after red skull dissapears after equipping. 45-65 Atk: 26, Def: 14 Uncommon
Dvorak Stare Unlocks Tier 3 Club spells. Can be worn only when player has red skull. Can still be used after red skull dissapears after equipping. 45-65 Atk: 27, Def: 8 Uncommon
Sinful Watch Makes the town guards ignore you when worn. Death protection +4% 45-65 Arm: 5 Uncommon
Pursuer Brutality +8, Finesse +8, Physical protection -15% 45-65 Def: 2 Rare
Bloodstepper Resource required for crafting Skillbooks. 45-65 Def: 1 Rare
Wormhelmet Brutality +14. Worms inside this helmet feast on its owner brain. While wearing you deregenerate 14 mana points every second. 45-70 Def: 5 Rare
Drillcap Finesse +14. Drill inside the helmet moves with the owner. While wearing you deregenerate 10 health points every second. It can be fatal. 45-70 - Rare
Essenceshifter Magic +6. Turns lifeforce of the wearer into mana in a 15 per second ratio. It can be fatal. 45-70 - Rare
Dvorak Wish Removes Red Skull from the user and dissapears on use. - - Epic

Plentiful Chest Loot

Item Name Description Item LVL Base Stats Rarity
Dvorak Judgement Unlocks Tier 3 Axe spells. Can be worn only when player has red skull. Can still be used after red skull dissapears after equipping. 50-70 Atk: 22, Def: 4 Uncommon
Dvorak Slaveslayer Unlocks Tier 3 Sword spells. Can be worn only when player has red skull. Can still be used after red skull dissapears after equipping. 50-70 Atk: 20, Def: 14 Uncommon
Dvorak Stare Unlocks Tier 3 Axe spells. Can be worn only when player has red skull. Can still be used after red skull dissapears after equipping. 50-70 Atk: 21, Def: 8 Uncommon
Sinful Watch Makes the town guards ignore you when worn. Death protection +4% 50-70 Arm: 5 Uncommon
Pursuer Brutality +8, Finesse +8, Physical protection -15% 50-70 Def: 2 Rare
Bloodstepper Resource required for crafting Skillbooks. 50-70 Def: 1 Rare
Wormhelmet Brutality +14. Worms inside this helmet feast on its owner brain. While wearing you deregenerate 14 mana points every second. 50-75 Def: 5 Rare
Drillcap Finesse +14. Drill inside the helmet moves with the owner. While wearing you deregenerate 10 health points every second. It can be fatal. 50-75 - Rare
Essenceshifter Magic +6. Turns lifeforce of the wearer into mana in a 15 per second ratio. It can be fatal. 50-75 - Rare
Dvorak Wish Removes Red Skull from the user and dissapears on use. - - Epic

Gnome Shroomtrip

Gnome Shroomtrip is a place where all beings who have overdosed on psychedelic substances end up. Transformed into gnomes, they cultivate mushrooms for the entity of psychedelia, The Goatee, in order to place the entire world in a narcotic trance and understand the essence of infinity. Or something like that...

Recommended level: 75+

Minimum level to fight the boss: 60

Upgrade Scroll price: 150 Dungeon Tokens


Monster Name HP XP Loot
Gnome Needler 6250 3200 up to 2 platinum coins, up to 4 brown mushrooms, heavenstone, dungeon token, golden teacher, piecharra, gnome hat, Gnome Shroomtrip chest key
Acid Gnome 5500 3200 up to 2 platinum coins, up to 4 brown mushrooms, medusa arrow, dungeon token, golden teacher, mananita, wand of the mountains, gnome hat, Gnome Shroomtrip chest key
Psilocybe 8200 3500 up to 3 platinum coins, up to 12 brown mushrooms, tripshroom, dungeon token, golden teacher, mananita, pecharra, Gnome Shroomtrip chest key
The Goatee 35000 20000 up to 3 crystal coins, Gnome Shroomtrip chest, up to 7 dungeon tokens, up to 10 crystal fossils, up to 2 brown bookleather, elemental fossil, Gnome Shroomtrip upgrade scroll

Regular Chest Loot

Item Name Description Item LVL Base Stats Rarity
12x Crystal Coin - - - Common
15x Crystal Fossil - - - Common
Elemental Fossil Gives a random elemental stone on use, which is helpful for Artifact and Book crafting. 14% chance to dissapear on use. - - Common
Pecharra Can be used for crafting custom mercenaries that are hirable by Bards. Factors for the tankiness of the mercenary. - - Uncommon
Mananita Can be used for crafting custom mercenaries that are hirable by Bards. Factors for the magic capabilities of the mercenary. - - Uncommon
Golden Teacher Can be used for crafting custom mercenaries that are hirable by Bards. Factors for the scaling of the mercenary. - - Uncommon
Liberator Unlocks Tier 4 Sword spells. Deals 5% extra damage to players with white skull and 10% to players with red skull. 50-75 Atk: 29, Def: 19 Uncommon
Leaf Quiver Infinite ammo source for bows. Fires leafes instead of arrows, dealing earth damage. - Atk: 28 Rare
Mycelium Backpack Health and mana regeneration +2, Vol: 16. - - Rare
Gaia Crystal Worn in arrow slot regenerates 550 health every 90 seconds. - - Rare
Soda Crystal Worn in arrow slot regenerates 700 mana every 90 seconds. - - Rare
Volt Crystal Worn in arrow slot regenerates 475 health and mana every 90 seconds. - - Rare
Mycelium Bow Unlocks Tier 4 Bow spells. 50-75 Range: 6, Atk: +13 Rare
2x Global EXP Boost Scroll Increases EXP received by whole server by 10% for 1 hour. Dissapears on use. - - Epic

Plentiful Chest Loot

Item Name Description Item LVL Base Stats Rarity
2x Pecharra Can be used for crafting custom mercenaries that are hirable by Bards. Factors for the tankiness of the mercenary. - - Uncommon
2x Mananita Can be used for crafting custom mercenaries that are hirable by Bards. Factors for the magic capabilities of the mercenary. - - Uncommon
2x Golden Teacher Can be used for crafting custom mercenaries that are hirable by Bards. Factors for the scaling of the mercenary. - - Uncommon
Liberator Unlocks Tier 4 Sword spells. Deals 5% extra damage to players with white skull and 10% to players with red skull. 55-80 Atk: 23, Def: 9 Uncommon
Leaf Quiver Infinite ammo source for bows. Fires leafes instead of arrows, dealing earth damage. - Atk: 28 Rare
Mycelium Backpack Health and mana regeneration +2, Vol: 16. - - Rare
Gaia Crystal Worn in arrow slot regenerates 550 health every 90 seconds. - - Rare
Soda Crystal Worn in arrow slot regenerates 700 mana every 90 seconds. - - Rare
Volt Crystal Worn in arrow slot regenerates 475 health and mana every 90 seconds. - - Rare
Mycelium Bow Unlocks Tier 4 Bow spells. 55-80 Range: 6, Atk: +13 Rare
4x Global EXP Boost Scroll Increases EXP received by whole server by 10% for 1 hour. Dissapears on use. - - Epic

Elgiebeteus Museum

Elgiebeteus is a being who has traveled through and conquered many worlds. With the help of his brushes, he created just as many. Now, he is stuck in the world of Customa and invites all brave souls willing to challenge him so that through death, he can leave it. To prove you are worthy, you must first traverse the worlds he has created.

Recommended level: 80+

Minimum level to fight the boss: 65

Upgrade Scroll price: 175 Dungeon Tokens


Monster Name HP XP Loot
Molten Maestro 9000 3800 up to 5 platinum coins, up to 2 red soulpaint, brown bookleather, dungeon token, Elgiebeteus Museum chest key
Pyrobrush Devotee 7600 3700 up to 5 platinum coins, red soulpaint, solid fire, perfect ruby, dungeon token, Elgiebeteus Museum chest key
Vulkaroth, Pyrorealm Maestro of Bravery 12000 4500 up to 75 platinum coins, bravery seal, up to 4 dungeon tokens, up to 4 red soulpaint, solid fire, brown bookleather, flamerealm helmet, flamerealm armor, flamerealm legs, flamerealm boots, Elgiebeteus Museum upgrade scroll
Chasing Dragon 8000 4000 up to 5 platinum coins, up to 2 blue soulpaint, brown bookleather, dungeon token, Elgiebeteus Museum chest key
Frostbrush Procrastinator 9500 3900 up to 5 platinum coins, blue soulpaint, brown bookleather, dungeon token, Elgiebeteus Museum chest key
The Dicator, Frostrealm Maestro of Dedication 12000 4500 up to 75 platinum coins, dedication seal, up to 4 dungeon tokens, up to 4 blue soulpaint, ice tear, brown bookleather, frostrealm helmet, frostrealm armor, frostrealm legs, frostrealm boots, Elgiebeteus Museum upgrade scroll
Elgiebeteus, Painter of Worlds 50000 25000 up to 4 crystal coins, Elgiebeteus Museum chest, imagination seal, up to 8 dungeon tokens, up to 10 red soulpaint, up to 10 blue soulpaint, up to 11 crystal fossils, rubber, brown pack of crayons, colorful pack of crayons, Elgiebeteus Museum upgrade scroll

Regular Chest Loot

Item Name Description Item LVL Base Stats Rarity
20x Crystal Coin - - - Common
17x Crystal Fossil - - - Common
Rubber Some use them for protection, others - for control. Used on an enchanted brown skillbook deletes a spell assigned to it and saves the book. - - Common
10x Red Soulpaint Holds the essence of physical suffering. Can be used for Brush Creation. - - Uncommon
10x Blue Soulpaint Holds the essence of mental suffering. Can be used for Brush Creation. - - Uncommon
The Dotter A plain brush that can be enchanted in depths of Elgiebeteus Museum to fit its owner vision of a weapon. Concentrates on a high single target damage. - - Rare
The Dropper A plain brush that can be enchanted in depths of Elgiebeteus Museum to fit its owner vision of a weapon. Concentrates on a low high area damage. - - Rare
The Warpainter A plain brush that can be enchanted in depths of Elgiebeteus Museum to fit its owner vision of a weapon. Concentrates on a balance between area and damage. - - Rare
Pack of Brown Crayons People often forget its existence after kindergarten, giving up on their imagination. Upon using enchants an empty brown skillbook with a random spell. - - Rare
Pack of Colorful Crayons People often forget its existence after kindergarten, giving up on their imagination. Upon using enchants an empty silver skillbook with a random spell of its tier. - - Rare
Pallete of Creation It can be enchanted with Elemental Stones to give high resistance to selected element while being fragile towards all the other elements for 15 minutes by typing "Creation "Element"" with pallete in your right hand. 65-90 Def: 12 Rare
Void Crystal Grants a random available Unique enchant to an item. - - Rare
Phoenix Feather Five of these are required to brew a Flask of Phoenix Tears, which resets all spent skillpoints of character. - - Epic

Plentiful Chest Loot

Item Name Description Item LVL Base Stats Rarity
15x/20x Red Soulpaint Holds the essence of physical suffering. Can be used for Brush Creation. - - Uncommon
15x/20x Blue Soulpaint Holds the essence of mental suffering. Can be used for Brush Creation. - - Uncommon
The Dotter A plain brush that can be enchanted in depths of Elgiebeteus Museum to fit its owner vision of a weapon. Concentrates on a high single target damage. - - Rare
The Dropper A plain brush that can be enchanted in depths of Elgiebeteus Museum to fit its owner vision of a weapon. Concentrates on a low high area damage. - - Rare
The Warpainter A plain brush that can be enchanted in depths of Elgiebeteus Museum to fit its owner vision of a weapon. Concentrates on a balance between area and damage. - - Rare
2x Pack of Brown Crayons People often forget its existence after kindergarten, giving up on their imagination. Upon using enchants an empty brown skillbook with a random spell. - - Rare
2x Pack of Colorful Crayons People often forget its existence after kindergarten, giving up on their imagination. Upon using enchants an empty silver skillbook with a random spell of its tier. - - Rare
Pallete of Creation It can be enchanted with Elemental Stones to give high resistance to selected element while being fragile towards all the other elements by typing "Creation "Element"" with pallete in your right hand. 75-100 Def: 12 Rare
2x Void Crystal Grants a random available Unique enchant to an item. - - Rare
2x Phoenix Feather Five of these are required to brew a Flask of Phoenix Tears, which resets all spent skillpoints of character. - - Epic

Eldricht Library

Ancient beings existed long before the worlds were formed. In fact, it is said that our existence is merely the dream of such a creature. When we reach the end of our lives, it signifies that this creature's dream is ending, and we become nothing more than a memory. One such dream seems to be the forgotten continent of Rhwaana, which is the dream of one of these beings. To restore its existence, one must find the Map of Dreams hidden in the depths of the Eldricht Library... Alternatively, by facing the ancient one. Beware, mortal! Death roams its corridors, ready to break the fourth wall and catch you in the real world.

Recommended level: 90+

Minimum level to fight the boss: 75

Upgrade Scroll price: 175 Dungeon Tokens


Monster Name HP XP Loot
Mimic 11500 5600 up to 400 gold coins, void particle, dungeon token, mimic skin, small bag of valuables, bag of valuables, Eldricht Library chest key
Eldricht Chosen 10000 5150 up to 6 platinum coins, void particle, dungeon token, eldricht hat, eldricht robe, eldricht cloth trousers, soulsteel sword, Eldricht Library chest key
Eldricht Ascended 14400 5000 up to 7 platinum coins, up to 4 eldricht eyes, void particle, dungeon token, perfect ruby, watcher ring, Eldricht Library chest key
The Watcher 13000 6000 up to 10 platinum coins, eldricht eye, void particle, dungeon token, regeneration ring, meditation ring, watcher amulet, void crystal, Eldricht Library chest key
The Old One 80000 40000 up to 5 crystal coins, Eldricht Library chest, up to 10 dungeon tokens, up to 12 crystal fossils, brown bookleather, silver bookleather, upgrade catalyst, Eldricht Library chest key
Exmortis ???? ???? a letter

Regular Chest Loot

Item Name Description Item LVL Base Stats Rarity
25x Crystal Coin - - - Common
19x Crystal Fossil - - - Common
2x Upgrade Catalyst Prevents both regular and critical failure of an upgrade. Dissapears on use, hold in backpack. - - Common
Eldricht Helmet Lifedrain & Manadrain protection +4%. 70-90 Def: 7 Uncommon
Eldricht Guardian Armor Lifedrain & Manadrain protection +10%. 70-90 Def: 14 Uncommon
Eldricht Kilt Lifedrain & Manadrain protection +6%. 70-90 Def: 7 Uncommon
Eldricht Boots Lifedrain & Manadrain protection +4%. 70-90 Def: 2 Uncommon
Eldricht Eyewatcher Requires 48 mana per hit. Deals Death damage. Base damage: 175 (Range: 4) 70-90 - Rare
Eldricht Visioner Unlocks Tier 5 Bow spells. 70-90 Atk: +16, Range: 6- Rare
Eldricht Limbremover People often forget its existence after kindergarten, giving up on their imagination. Upon using enchants an empty silver skillbook with a random spell of its tier. Unlocks Tier 5 Axe spells. Atk: 40, Def: 11-4 Rare
Eldricht Eyepoker Unlocks Tier 5 Dagger spells. 70-90 Atk: 36, Def: 1 Rare
Eldricht Meatbeater Unlocks Tier 5 Club spells. 70-90 Atk: 31, Def: 16 Rare
Eldricht Watcher Magic +6, Lifedrain & Manadrain protection +10%. 70-90 - Rare
Broken Soulstone Mail Physical & Elemental protections +3%. Can be upgraded using World Boss soulstones. 100 Def: 17 Epic

Plentiful Chest Loot

Item Name Description Item LVL Base Stats Rarity
Eldricht Helmet Lifedrain & Manadrain protection +4%. 75-100 Def: 7 Uncommon
Eldricht Guardian Armor Lifedrain & Manadrain protection +10%. 75-100 Def: 14 Uncommon
Eldricht Kilt Lifedrain & Manadrain protection +6%. 75-100 Def: 7 Uncommon
Eldricht Boots Lifedrain & Manadrain protection +4%. 75-100 Def: 2 Uncommon
Eldricht Eyewatcher Requires 48 mana per hit. Deals Death damage. Base damage: 175 (Range: 4) 75-100 - Rare
Eldricht Visioner Unlocks Tier 5 Bow spells. 75-100 Atk: +16, Range: 6 Rare
Eldricht Limbremover Unlocks Tier 5 Axe spells. 75-100 Atk: 40, Def: 11-4 Rare
Eldricht Eyepoker Unlocks Tier 5 Dagger spells. 75-100 Atk: 36, Def: 1 Rare
Eldricht Meatbeater Unlocks Tier 5 Club spells. 75-100 Atk: 31, Def: 16 Rare
Eldricht Watcher Magic +6, Lifedrain & Manadrain protection +10%. 75-100 - Rare
Broken Soulstone Mail Physical & Elemental protections +3%. Can be upgraded using World Boss soulstones. 100 Def: 17 Epic

On Customa Online there is 3 Types of Emblems, this emblems can be looted from monsters or obtained from chests using keys:

Normal Emblem: It Increase 5-15% Chance depending the level of Rift
Legendary Emblem: It Increase 15-35% Chance depending the level of Rift
Epic Emblem: It Increase 30-50% Chance depending the level of Rift

With the Rifts Customa Online introduces the Rankings: a Task System based on Rifts & Normal Creatures, but also bosses.

Ancestral Rankings can be checked on each player in game like Gear Score, Prestige and Parangon Levels.
Use !ancestral to check your rank.

Start talking with the right NPC to take missions & Tasks (normal or Daily) then complete this tasks to increase your Ranking and obtain Ancestral Points.

Ancestral Points & Ranking will be necessary to increase and access to the next levels of differents Rifts.

For example to be able to enter on the first Ancestral Rift, you will need Bronze Rank.

You will find NPC Lord The Rifter on Ancestral Waypoint. Required: Complete the Secret Quest to access to the area.

Ancestral Rank From Until Points Needed
Rookie 0 25 25
Bronze 26 100 75
Silver 101 250 150
Gold 251 470 220
Platinum 471 770 300
Diamond 771 1220 450
Ancestral 1221 1820 600
Mystic 1821 2820 1000
Abyssal 2821 4320 1500
Ascending 4321 6320 2000
Chaos 6321 9999 3679
Awakening 10000 Infinity -

Ancestral Tasks

Ancestral Tasks can be done talking to Lord the Rifter on Ancestral Blacksmith Lair's or Arkeron.
You can choice: Daily or Normal Task, kill the right monsters after complete you will receive a reward, experience but also Ancestral Points and Ranking points.

Ancestral Points are used to access to some World Bosses and for enter on Rifts.

In game use the talkaction !ancestral to see your Ranking but also your Ranking, Ancestral, Chaos and Awakening Points.

Ancestral Tokens can be looted, use them to obtain Ancestral Points.

Chaos Points are used to Upgrade Chaos Weapons.

Awakening Points is used to Transcend Weapons.

Rifts and Difficulty

The Rifts have 3 types of Difficulty, Ancestral, Elder and Demoniac.
If your character or your team are high level and can afford easly to kill Demoniac Monsters,
i will recommend to start on Arkeron, you will need before kill Azazel on Demoniac Rift
to increase your Chaos Level.

Rift Difficulty Rewards Bestiary
Ancestral Rift 1 Enabled
Ancestral Rift 2 Enabled
Elder Rift Enabled
Demoniac Rift Enabled

Monsters from Rift


On Customa Online, there are currently 6 vocations available, with more being added in the future.
Each vocation has a set of two advantages, one disadvantage, and a unique mechanic - except for the Traveler vocation, which has no advantages, disadvantages nor unique mechanic, though having an increased cap growth at each gained level and slightly increased experience gain.

Vocation list


Once Barbarian finds a Dragonbone Mail in depths of Rhwaana jungle, he can visit Etanal the Dragonslayer in Elarah town and imbue it with power of dragons. The effect of imbuement depends on type of dragon soul and scales used.

Dragonbone Mail imbuements:
Imbuement Resources Effect Picture
Earthscale 100x green dragon wing, 10x green dragon tear to tripple the bonus for 30 minutes. Increases HP regen by additional 500% (40/sec)
Heatscale 100x red dragon wing, 10x red dragon tear to tripple the bonus for 30 minutes. Increases HP regen by additional 500% (40/sec)
Mindnourish 100x blue dragon wing, 10x blue dragon tear to tripple the bonus for 30 minutes. Increases MP regen by additional 500% (10/sec)
Blasphemy 100x black dragon wing, 10x black dragon tear to tripple the bonus for 30 minutes. +10% crit chance
Divinity 100x white dragon wing, 10x white dragon tear to tripple the bonus for 30 minutes. .


Bards can use certain items (that can be crafted or found) that allow them to summon special allies for limited amout of times. Every ally grows in strength up to a cap, depending on the summoner level. Besides that, they can use Conjure Soulsap spell to conjure soulsap, that then can be used to imbue special arrows bought from Barduomiey in Firsttown with extra power. Below you can see the table of possible summons:

List of Bard pact items:
Name Type Tier Scaling Item Location
Mr Purrington Tank 1-5 -> +5 -> 20 max White Cat in a Bag Elarah Town
El Negrond DPS (small area) 1-5 -> +5 -> 20 max Black Cat in a Bag Elarah Town
Sir Pouncealot DPS (fast attack) 1-5 -> +5 -> 20 max Ginger Cat in a Bag Elarah Town
Grimclaw DPS (ranged) 1-10 -> +5 -> 30 max Straw Hat Greatcity Fields
Gorgolio Fighter 1-10 -> +10 -> 50 max Gorgolio Pact Elarah Town
Mokheb Tank (AOE) 1-20 -> +10 -> 60 max Black Salami Around Greatcity
Pyonge DPS (fast attack) 1-20 -> +10 -> 60 max Yellow Salami Around Greatcity
Mukka DPS (burst) 1-20 -> +10 -> 60 max Red Salami Around Greatcity
Sooka Tank/DPS (burst) 1-25 -> +25 -> 75 max Kielbasa Around Firsttown
Shroomshield Tank 1-50 -> +25 -> 125 max Chongus Fungus Shroomtrip Dungeon
Mycielal Mistic DPS (magic, ranged) 1-50 -> +25 -> 125 max Mangus Fungus Shroomtrip Dungeon
Sporewarden DPS (physical, ranged) 1-50 -> +25 -> 125 max Ningus Fungus Shroomtrip Dungeon
Bard arrow empowerement:
Base Arrow Cost Effect Empowered Arrow
Heart Arrow 1x Soulsap Increased area, healing +25%
Spirit Arrow 1x Soulsap Ignores armor, damage +15%
Ohm Arrow 1x Soulsap Increased area, damage +15%
Medusa Arrow 1x Soulsap Slows targets hit, damage +15%
Sacral Arrow 1x Soulsap Increased area, damage +25%


Chosen can use spell Chosen: Focus Magic/Endurance/Intelligence/Faith/Energy to increase according attribute by 20% whilst decreasing other attributes by 20% as well. Besides that, increased Soul regeneration gives them increased potential in usage of Artifact Weapons and empowered version of elemental spells.


After discorvering Saint Jajjo Teachings in depths or Rhwaana, Crusaders can chose if they prefer to follow the Jajjo Teaching or betray him, giving access to different perks - Saint Jajjo Fanatics gain access to an extra blessing, whilst Saint Jajjo Heretics gain access to RS removal. Besides that, depending on choice, Crusader can forge special Artifact Shield, that you can read about below:

Fanatic Shield:
Shield Bonus Requirement Where to find
None 200x Fanatic Doublon Fanatic Lair
None 1x Terramia Scroll Terramia World Boss
None 1x Nolaita Scroll Nolaita World Boss
None 1x Vlaew Scroll Vlaew World Boss
None 1x Disola Scroll Disola World Boss
None 1x Khorax Scroll Khorax World Boss
None 1x Solemos Scroll Solemos World Boss
None 1x Saint Jajjo Egg Realm of Gods

Heretic Shield:
Image Bonus Requirement Where to find
None 200x Heretic Doublon Heretic Lair
None 1x Terramia Scroll Terramia World Boss
None 1x Nolaita Scroll Nolaita World Boss
None 1x Vlaew Scroll Vlaew World Boss
None 1x Disola Scroll Disola World Boss
None 1x Khorax Scroll Khorax World Boss
None 1x Solemos Scroll Solemos World Boss
None 1x Desecrated Jajjo Egg Realm of Gods


Evokers can use the Conjure Soulsap to create... soulsap. Then they can use this soulsap to conjure runes - those of tier 1 can be used by any class, whilst tier 2 and tier 3 can be used only by Evokers. Below you can read about them:

Conjurable runes:
Rune Tier Cost Description Requirement
Poison Bomb 1x Soulsap Creates 3x3 poison field for 20 seconds (5dps) 25 flat endurance (without item bonuses)
Wild Growth 2x Soulsap Creates 1x1 rush wood that blocks movement but allows projectiles for 12 seconds 50 flat endurance (without item bonuses)
Thornspikes 3x Soulsap Hits area 3 times, each time with increased DMG and area 100 flat endurance (without item bonuses)
Fire Cross 1x Soulsap Creates fire field cros for 7 seconds (10dps) 25 flat intelligence (without item bonuses)
Manaburn 2x Soulsap Burns target's mana 50 flat intelligence (without item bonuses)
Meteor 3x Soulsap High fire damage in big area after 3 second delay 100 flat intelligence (without item bonuses)
Energy Field 1x Soulsap Creates 1x1 energy field for 12 seconds (25dps) 25 flat energy (without item bonuses)
Magic Wall 2x Soulsap Creates 1x1 magic wall that block movement and projectiles for 15 seconds 50 flat energy (without item bonuses)
Lightning Strike 3x Soulsap Enormous energy damage in 1x1 area after 2 second delay 100 flat energy (without item bonuses)
Snowball 1x Soulsap Moderate single target frost damage 25 flat faith (without item bonuses)
Avalanche 2x Soulsap Moderate frost damage in area 50 flat faith (without item bonuses)
Chill 3x Soulsap Slows target by 66% for 5 seconds 100 flat faith (without item bonuses)
Healing Consecration 1x Soulsap Creates 1x1 healing consecration field (20 heal on step) 25 flat endurance&faith (without item bonuses)
Mana Consecration 2x Soulsap Creates 1x1 mana consecration field (10 mana on step) 50 flat endurance&faith (without item bonuses)
Regeneration 3x Soulsap Heals the target heavily 100 flat endurance&faith (without item bonuses)
Smoke Bomb 1x Soulsap Creates 1x3 smoke field that blocks projectiles 25 flat intelligence&energy (without item bonuses)
Sudden Death 2x Soulsap Heavy single target death damage 50 flat intelligence&energy (without item bonuses)
Decay 3x Soulsap Heavy death damage over time in area 100 flat intelligence&energy (without item bonuses)


Travelers have no specialization, though their capacity per level is increased and experience received slightly increased. Perfect for alts.

World Chests

Cursed Chests

Cursed Chests are chests spawning random around the world. There is 4 Tiers, Common, Rare, Epic and Legendary.

If you found one of the Chests, prepare to face a waves of monsters and a final boss. If you are not sure make a party to defeat them.

Chest Type Difficulty Rewards Percentage Max Amount
Common Cursed Chest Platinum Coins 100% 35
Common Cursed Chest Salvage Material 40% 10
Common Cursed Chest Key of Savage Chest 11% 1
Common Cursed Chest Savage Chest 8% 1
Rare Cursed Chest Platinum Coins 100% 60
Rare Cursed Chest Salvage Material 40% 30
Rare Cursed Chest Sparkling Potion 15% 1
Rare Cursed Chest Orb of Misery 10% 1
Rare Cursed Chest Orb of Nature 8% 1
Rare Cursed Chest Damnation Ark 7% 1
Rare Cursed Chest Hells Arch 6% 1
Rare Cursed Chest Arch of Riddles 6% 1
Epic Cursed Chest Crystal Coins 100% 2
Epic Cursed Chest Dust 70% 20
Epic Cursed Chest Salvage Material 60% 40
Epic Cursed Chest Ancestral Crystal 40% 10
Epic Cursed Chest Sliver 30% 3
Epic Cursed Chest Key of Tyranic Chest 9% 1
Epic Cursed Chest Tyranic Chest 5% 1
Epic Cursed Chest Ancestral Essence 3% 1
Legendary Cursed Chest Crystal Coin 100% 5
Legendary Cursed Chest Eldritch Crystal 30% 2
Legendary Cursed Chest Hellgrave Coin 20% 5
Legendary Cursed Chest Hell Token 15% 3
Legendary Cursed Chest Tournament Coin 10% 2
Legendary Cursed Chest Key of Cursed Chest 7% 1
Legendary Cursed Chest Cursed Chest 5% 1
Legendary Cursed Chest Exalted Core 5% 1

World Chests

World Chests are similar as Cursed Chests, you will find chests around the world simply click on it and you will receive some materials, after use the chest it disappear.

Chests & Keys

Chests and Keys are lootable from Monsters & Bosses. They are tradable.

There is more than 15 different Chests, for the majority you will need a key to open it.

Picture Chest Name Reward Quantity Type of Reward Key needed
Sacrifice Chest 20 All type of Normal Ressources from jobs Yes
Savage Chest 40 All type of Normal Ressources from jobs Yes
Divine Chest 20 All type of Rare Ressources from jobs Yes
Tyranic Chest 5 Some Relics / Artefacts / Sacrifice chest Yes
Cursed Chest 10 All type of Very Rare Ressources from jobs Yes
Vengeance Chest 10 All type of Rare / Very Rare Ressources from Monsters Yes
Reliquary Chest 1 Epic Ressources or Rare Ressource Yes
Damned Chest 1 Exotic Ressource Yes
Astral Chest 10 All type of Epic ressources from jobs Yes
Exaltation Chest 1 Rare Exotic Ressources No
Shadow Chest 30 Stone Fragments No
Void Chest 6 Stone Essences No
Caphras Chest 3 Essences or Fluids No
Dragon Obscurus Chest 1 Rare Dragon Egg Yes
Bronze Treasure Chest 20 Sigil of Soul from rank I, II or III Yes
Silver Treasure Chest 10 Sigil of Soul from rank IV or V Yes
Golden Treasure Chest 5 Sigil of Soul from rank VI or VII Yes
Exodus Chest 3 Eggs Ressources from Arkeron Yes

Portal Scroll

In game Store, or loot from a boss, you can get a portal scroll, this scroll can be used to return for 60 seconds to your town where you are citizen, you can deposite some items and come back to the spawn where you create the portal.

The portal will be available on Temple Town of your city, after 60 seconds it disappear, only you can see and take this portal.

Picture Name Info
Portal Scroll Bought with Tournament coin on store or looted from a boss.

Valuable Coins

On Customa Online there are many new valuable coins.

The most Know is the Hellgrave Coin (tibia coin), then Tournament Coin. After there are new coins after the crystal coin, Amber Coin and Demoniac Coin.

About Coins & Tokens, to bought some ressources, check NPCS Section.

Picture Name Info
Hellgrave Coin Valuable to bought some Misc, Outfits, Mounts, Potions, Runes from the Store in game.
Tournament Coin Valuable to bought some Misc, Outfits, Mounts, Potions, Runes from the Store in game. Can be Added to Gold Pouch.
Amber Coin Valuable money, 100 Crystals Coins are equivalent to 1 Amber Coin. Can be Added to Gold Pouch.
Demoniac Coin Valuable money, 100 Amber Coins are equivalent to 1 Demoniac Coin. Can be Added to Gold Pouch.


We have implemented new potions, some of them they increase temporary stats, others are more powerful Health, Mana and Spirit potions.

This potions can be crafted.

Potions Giving Temporary Stats

Picture Name Info
Strike Enhancement This potion temporarily increases critical hit chance by 8% for 1 hour
Sword Enhancement This this potion temporarily increases sword skill by 8 for 1 hour.
Axe Enhancement This potion temporarily increases axe skill by 8 for 1 hour.
Club Enhancement This potion temporarily increases club skill by 8 for 1 hour.
Distance Enhancement This potion temporarily increases distance skill by 8 for 1 hour.
Magic Enhancement This potion temporarily increases magic skill by 8 for 1 hour.
Shield Enhancement This potion temporarily increases shield skill by 8 for 1 hour.
Fishing Enhancement This potion temporarily increases fishing skill by 8 for 1 hour.
Elemental Potion This potion temporarily increases all skills by 8 for 1 hour.

Health, Mana and Spirit Potions

With the arrival of new monsters and difficulties, we introduce new Spirits, Mana and Health Potions. This potions can be crafted.

Picture Name Info
Elixir Spirit Potion Hunters Level: 200. Regenerate 480-630 Health / 310-400 Mana
Reliquary Spirit Potion Hunters Level: 300. Regenerate 535-690 Health / 335-430 Mana
Rejuvenation Spirit Potion Hunters Level: 500. Regenerate 595-775 Health / 380-480 Mana
Master Spirit Potion Hunters Level: 800. Regenerate 685-860 Health / 450-540 Mana
Elixir Mana Potion Priests / Mages Level: 200. Regenerate 485-635 Mana
Reliquary Mana Potion Priests / Mages Level: 300. Regenerate 545-695 Mana
Rejuvenation Mana Potion Priests / Mages Level: 500. Regenerate 605-755 Mana
Master Mana Potion Priests / Mages Level: 800. Regenerate 700-840 Mana
Elixir Health Potion Warriors Level: 250. Regenerate 925-1195 Health
Reliquary Health Potion Warriors Level: 350. Regenerate 970-1255 Health
Rejuvenation Health Potion Warriors Level: 500. Regenerate 1020-1290 Health
Master Health Potion Warriors Level: 800. Regenerate 1100-1400 Health


We have also implemented new Permanently potions ( Skills Increased Permanently ), but also Crafting, Identificator and others Skills permanently.
This potions can be crafted, Stamina potion can be bought on store for Tournament coin or looted from Bosses.

Picture Name Info
Fishing Potion It gives +1 Fishing Skill Permanently
Fist potion It gives +1 Fist Fighting Skill Permanently
Club Potion It gives +1 Club Skill Permanently
Sword Potion It gives +1 Sword Skill Permanently
Axe Potion It gives +1 Axe Skill Permanently
Shield Potion It gives +1 Shield Skill Permanently
Soul Potion It gives +100 Soul
Herbalist Potion It gives +1 Herbalist Skill Permanently
Skinning Potion It gives +1 Skinning Skill Permanently
Crafting Potion It gives +1 Crafting Skill Permanently
Rare Identificator Potion It gives +1 Rare Identificactor Skill Permanently
Very Rare Identificator Potion It gives +1 Very Rare Identificactor Skill Permanently
Epic Identificator Potion It gives +1 Epic Identificactor Skill Permanently
Divine Identificator Potion It gives +1 Divine Identificactor Skill Permanently
Master Identificator Potion It gives +1 Master Identificactor Skill Permanently
Legendary Craft Potion It gives +1 Legendary Craft Skill Permanently
Woodcutting Potion It gives +1 Woodcutting Skill Permanently
Mining Potion It gives +1 Mining Skill Permanently
Stamina Potion It regenerates full stamina

Goblin Islands

On Customa Online there are some Goblin Isles.

On each Goblin island there is a boss, that you can kill and get rewards.
You can access to this islands using a scroll. This scrolls can be bought with a Time Coin on Falanaar Trade Island.

Picture Name Info
Goblin Gem Scroll It teleports to the Goblin Gem Island, there is a boss.
Goblin Gold Scroll It teleports to a Goblin Gold Island, there is a boss.
Gathering Island Scroll It teleports to the Gathering Island, there is many Ressources to Gather also a boss to kill.

Goblin Gem Island

Goblin Gold Island

Gathering Island


New Type of Equipments.

Emblems Are Special Items Equipped on the Slot Ammo, that gives to the player extra stats and much Emblems can be crafted on Blacksmith Oven at the Ancestral Hall.
There is 18 Emblems available in game.
There is also 3 Very Rares Equipments that can be added on Emblem Slot, Dragon Emblem, Awakening Emblem and Cryptic Dragon Egg.
Emblems and The Rares give also Gear Score and prestige, see the Player Stat Category.

Picture Name Stats
Forest Emblem Absorb 3% Earth, Speed +5, Armor +1, Gear Score: +50
Necromantic Emblem Absorb 3% Death, Speed +5, Armor +1, Gear Score: +50
Damned Emblem Absorb 3% Fire, Speed +5, Armor +1, Gear Score: +50
Emblem of Blessing Absorb 3% Energy, Speed +5, Armor +1, Gear Score: +50
Emblem of the Sky Absorb 3% Holy, Speed +5, Armor +1, Gear Score: +50
Nature Emblem Absorb 3% Physical, Speed +5, Armor +1, Gear Score: +50
Fountain of Youth Emblem Absorb 3% Ice, Speed +5, Armor +1, Gear Score: +50
Celestial Emblem Absorb 5% Ice, Speed +15, +200 HP, +200 MP, Distance +1, Club +1, Sword +1, Axe +1, Magic +1, Gear Score +100
Emblem of the Cosmos Absorb 5% Energy, Speed +15, Armor +2, +200 HP, +200 MP, Life Leech Chance +50%, Life Leech Amount +15%, Gear Score: +100
Venom Emblem Absorb 5% Death, Speed +15, Armor +2, Skill Critical Chance +15%, Skill Critical Damage +10%, Gear Score: +100
Division Emblem Absorb 5% Earth, Speed +15, Armor +2, Mana Leech Chance +50%, Mana Leech Amount +15%, Gear Score: +100
Emblem of the People Absorb 5% Fire, Speed +15, Armor +2, +200 HP, +200 MP, Life and Mana Leech Chance +50%, Life and Mana Leech Amount +15%, Gear Score: +100
Leaf Emblem Absorb 1% All, +250 HP, +250 MP, Magic Level +2, Gear Score: +100
Enigmatic Emblem Absorb 5% Ice, Speed +25, Armor +2, +250 HP, +250 MP, Critical Chance +40%, Critical Damage +15%, Damage Reflection +5%, Gear Score: +100
Emblem of Magic Absorb 1% All, Speed +30, Armor +3, +250 HP, +250 MP, Magic Level +2, Gear Score: +150
Supremacy Emblem Absorb 1% All, Speed +30, Armor +3, +250 HP, +250 MP, Distance +2, Gear Score: +200
Demoniac Emblem Absorb 1% All, Speed +30, Armor +3, +250 HP, +250 MP, Sword +2, Axe +2, Cclub +2, Gear Score: +200
Elemental Emblem Absorb 6% All, Speed +30, Armor +3, Critical Chance +10%, Critical Damage +5%, Mana and Life Leech Chance +10%, Mana and Life Leech Amount +5%, +250 HP, +250 MP, Gear Score: +250
Divine Emblem Absorb 3% All, Speed +50, Armor +5, +300 HP, +300 MP, Axe +3, Sword +3, Club +3, Distance +3, Magic +3, Gear Score: +300
Dragon Emblem Container +8 Slots, Absorb all +10%, Speed +50, +500 HP, +500 MP, Axe +5, Sword +5, Club +5, Distance +5, Magic +5, Gear Score +1000, Prestige +10
Awakening Emblem Container +32 Slots, Reflect Damage +20%, Speed +75, +1000 HP, +1000 MP, Axe +10, Club +10, Sword +10, Distance +10, Magic +10, Fist +10, Gear Score +3500, Prestige +35. x2.5 EXP permanently while equipped.
Cryptic Dragon Egg Container +80 Slots, Reflect Damage +20%, Absorb All +15%, Speed +75, +2000 HP, +2000 MP, Axe +20, Sword +20, Club +20, Distance +20, Magic +20, Fist +20, Gear Score +8000, Prestige +80. x2.5 EXP permanently while equipped.

Daily Quest & Arena

The Daily Quest is a quest that can be done once per day, you can get a different reward each day.
Enter on the Teleport Located on the Temple of Mordragor to get teleported to the Trinity Island.
Enter on the top left Teleport to Start Daily Quest, you will face to some differents monsters and if you complete the mechanic you will be able to access to the chest.

Day Reward
Monday Gold Tokens 1-2
Tuesday Key of Savage Chest x1 Savage Chest x1
Wednesday Cluster of Solace 1-4 Dream Matter x1
Thursday Loot Coin 1-35
Friday Silver Token 1-10
Saturday Hellgrave Coin 1-5 Tournament Coin x1
Sunday Time Coin 1-10

*Dream Matter & Cluster of Solace: You will find the NPC Eruaran on Death Valley, on the middle of Retching horrors and Choking fears.
*Loot Coin and Time Coin: You find the Right NPCS near of Falanaar Boat on the New NPC Trade Island.

Arena Quest

On Customa Online There is 2 Arena Quest available, Fire and Earth.
Each Arena Quest Monster has 3 Levels with a boss at final wave.
To access to the Arena Quests, enter on the teleport located on Temple of Mordragor to Trinity Island, use the lever to access on the Earth or Fire Arena.
Decide to Kill all monsters and leave or continue to the next level.

Start the wave's on the right arrow (middle-left). When waves are finished a teleport Appears, decide to leave or continue to the next Level ( arrow number 2 , down )

Player Stats & Levels

There is many New Players Stats, this stats show easly how a player is experienced on game, everyone can see it by checking on each players.
This new Stats called, Gear Score, Prestige, Ancestral Rank ( see Rift wiki part ), Parangon Level and Chaos Level, are maded to experience a new gameplay style to access a new parts, new content of the game but also reach and create new crafting items / materials.
The system has been designed so that it is totally different from all other servers, instead of leveling up very quickly and acessing high content easily without any real exploits, here we have methods implemented a system to explore more RPG content and have the pleasure of doing a farming session to really experience the effort and perseverance of wanting to reach the last objective and have a feeling of satisfaction during a farm and to be able to create an item and move forward in the contents in a more RPG way. Obviously each person has a different point of view on this, and this is ours.

In game use !stats to see the differents stats of your character, or simply double click on your character!

The Paragon system, is a level-based system (1000 levels in total) which has the use of a parchment and crystals to increase this level. Just like the Gear Score and the Prestige, it allows access to unique areas.
The levels means requirements to access to some places/bosses but it will also show how hard and experienced player is playing on game.

You can loot Parangon Scrolls and crystals from monsters and bosses, use a parangon scroll on the crystals corresponding to your parangon level to increase your level.

Parangon Level Scroll Crystal
0 - 50 Parangon Scroll Fragment Endless Crystal
51 - 125 Parangon Scroll Fragment Divine Crystal
126 - 200 Parangon Scroll Fragment Amber Crystal
201 - 275 Parangon Scroll Piece of Endless Crystal
276 - 375 Parangon Scroll Piece of Divine Crystal
376 - 475 Parangon Scroll Piece of Amber Crystal
476 - 600 Parangon Scroll Rare Endless Crystal
601 - 750 Parangon Scroll Rare Divine Crystal
751 - 1000 Parangon Scroll Rare Amber Crystal

Gear Score

Customa Online Introduced the Gear Score system, which means that a piece of gear gives gear points.
The Score of your equipment will allow you to access further but also determine the power of your character, just like the prestige and the paragon, this one is visible by clicking on a player. Gear Score is needed to do many things, like access to some World Bosses, get more powerful stats and much more.


The Chaos system, is a level-based system (1000 levels in total) which has the use of a fragment of dimensional chaos and a book of chaos to increase this level. The Chaos Level system, is required in order to access to the new continent called Arkeron. This continent is really hardcore to anyone who wants experience a very hight content gameplay.
Like Parangon, the levels means requirements to access to some places/bosses but it will also show how hard and experienced player is playing on game. Chaos Coins can be used to obtain Chaos Points. Chaos Points are used to Upgrade Chaos Weapons.

Chaos Level Fragment Book
0 - 100 Fragment of Dimensional Chaos Mystic Book of Chaos
101 - 250 Fragment of Dimensional Chaos Exotic Book of Chaos
251 - 450 Fragment of Dimensional Chaos Legacy Book of Chaos
451 - 700 Fragment of Dimensional Chaos Abyssal Book of Chaos
701 - 1000 Fragment of Dimensional Chaos Ascending Book of Chaos

To Create a Fragment of Dimensional Chaos you will need to collect the 3 parts then craft a Fragment of Dimensional Chaos on Artefact Table.

Recipe Recipe Recipe Crafted

First Fragment of Dimensional Chaos x1.

Second Fragment of Dimensional Chaos x1.

Third Fragment of Dimensional Chaos x1.

Fragment of Dimensional Chaos


The prestige system is similar to the Gear Score, however it is harder to obtain. Prestige is obtained by equipping higher quality and higher level items.
Just like the Gear Score, the Prestige allows access to areas inaccessible to players who do not have prestige or Gear Score, just like the Rifts.

Monster Hunter

The Monster Hunter Level is a second based level on your determination to kill monsters and bosses. This level has no limit like the character level, this is a proof of an hardcore gamer when see anyone with an hight level.

Legendary Items

There is many Legendary Items but only Weapons can unlock a spell, warning each spell is working for vocations, example Angelic wand, can give spell for priests & mages only.
After Equiping the legendary weapons, atack one time, after that you will activate the new spell on your character, you will find a list of each spell name with the weapon associated.
Legendary Items are not easy to craft, since materials are very rare but also you will need found the correct schema in order to craft it.
It requires a lot of perseverance and reach Arkeron Continent in order to get all necessary ressources to craft legendary items. In this way they are called a "Weapons of Myth" but they are not impossible to made, just very difficult.

Each Legendary Weapon have 2% Chance to Summon a monster, this monster Helps you to kill other monsters during 45 Seconds, but also you will get a bonus of a skill during 45 seconds.

On the next video as example will show Angelic Wand, trying to cast the spell, but we cannot do it without using the wand, so after equipped the Angelic wand and attacking one time, we can cast the spell and some Demons in the example have summoned.

Legendary Weapons Information

Legendary Weapons have a Temporary Increase Skill and summon for 45 seconds.

Picture Weapon Name Skill Vocation Spell
Angelic Wand Skill Shield Elite Mage / Elite Priest Exevo Death Hur, Level 500, Mana 115, Magic Required 90
Night Heaven Sword Skill Sword Elite Warrior Exevo Max, Level 500, Mana 380, Magic Required 8
Inferno Sword Skill Sword Elite Warrior Flam Max, Level 500, Mana 400, Magic Required 8
Night Heaven Axe Skill Axe Elite Warrior Terra Striker, Level 500, Mana 380, Magic Required 8
Master Evil Crossbow Skill Distance Elite Hunter Exori con Max, Level 500, Mana 115, Magic Required 10
Hellfire Bow Skill Distance Elite Hunter San Max, Level 500, Mana 200, Magic Required 8
Night Heaven Bow Skill Distance Elite Hunter Wind Wave, Level 500, Mana 200, Magic Required 8
Khazra Mace Skill Club Elite Warrior Mortal Shell, Level 500, Mana 380, Magic Required 8

Legendary Weapons Summons
Picture Weapon Name Summon Vocation Info
Angelic Wand Disphasis Elite Mage / Elite Priest Chance: 2%. Duration: Summon 45s + 45s Bonus Skill Shield
Night Heaven Sword Lisandar Elite Warrior Chance: 2%. Duration: Summon 45s + 45s Bonus Skill Sword
Inferno Sword Ophyx Elite Warrior Chance: 2%. Duration: Summon 45s + 45s Bonus Skill Sword
Night Heaven Axe Phalanx Elite Warrior Chance: 2%. Duration: Summon 45s + 45s Bonus Skill Axe
Master Evil Crossbow Rungor Elite Hunter Chance: 2%. Duration: Summon 45s + 45s Bonus Skill Distance
Hellfire Bow Sherix Elite Hunter Chance: 2%. Duration: Summon 45s + 45s Bonus Skill Distance
Night Heaven Bow Worgen Elite Hunter Chance: 2%. Duration: Summon 45s + 45s Bonus Skill Distance
Khazra Mace Ulyssea Elite Warrior Chance: 2%. Duration: Summon 45s + 45s Bonus Skill Club

Legendary Equipment

Legendary Equipments they are also crafted on Legendary Room only.

Picture Name Info
Magic Helmet Armor +16, Absorb Ice +10%, Absorb Death +10%, Magic +3, Shield +2. Gear Score: +1500, Prestige +15
Elder Shield Defense +60, Club/Sword/Axe +2. Gear Score: +2500, Prestige +25
Burnished Helm of Might Armor +18, Dist/Sword/Axe/Club/Shield +2, Absorb Fire +6%, Absorb Energy +6%. Gear Score: +1800, Prestige +18
Amber Chestplate Armor +25, Distance +3, Absorb All +8%, Reflect All +30%. Gear Score: +4000, Prestige +40
Dragon Scale Aegis Defense +60, Extra Def +3, Sword/Axe/Club +4, Reflect All +10%. Gear Score: 3000, Prestige +30
Legacy Helmet Armor +16, Absorb Fire +10%, Absorb Earth +10%, Magic +3, Shield +2. Gear Score +1500, Prestige +15
Night Heaven Spellbook Defense +38, Magic +6, Reflect All +10%. Gear Score: +3000, Prestige +30
Night Backpack Container +64, Dist/Axe/Club/Sword/Shield/Magic +1. Gear Score +500, Prestige +5
Sun Backpack Container +64, Speed +60, Absorb All +3%. Gear Score +500, Prestige +5
Demoniac Quiver Container +32, Distance +4, Shield +3, Magic +1, Absorb All 3%, Reflect All 3%. Gear Score: +1000, Prestige +10
Dark Elder Shield Defense +60, Axe +3, Absorb Ice +6%, Absorb Holy +6%. Gear Score +2500, Prestige +25
Luminous Shield Defense +60, Sword +3, Absorb Earth +6%, Absorb Death +6%. Gear Score +2500, Prestige +25
Legendary Fishing Rod This legendary fishing rod can catch monsters from water and rarely a Hellgorak, Madareth or Zugurosh.
Elemental Amulet Aborsb Ice/Fire/Earth/Energy/Death/Holy +15%, Regnerates 15 HP and 15 MP each 2.5s. Gear Score: +3000, Prestige +30

Elemental Amulet can be recharged upper Mordragor Depot talking to the NPC Master Elemental.

World Bosses

World Bosses are rare, but very powerful monsters. They should never be underestimated because they could show you the color of the underworld. They appear on a specific day and at a specific time. Arm yourself with a group and try to shoot them down. World Bosses are Static, as we try to do something different and huge on a 12x server for the first time.

Some of them you need found Traces around the world in order to unlock access to the world boss, some others you will need prerequisites like gear score, chaos level, ancestral rank.
After discover a trace, go to the NPC Kimerin located on Blacksmith Lair's on Ancestral Hall or on Arkeron depot.
Talk with npc Kimerin about the name of the monster it will reward something after kill some of this world bosses.

When you find a Trace about a World Boss, talk with Kimerin, and ask to him the name of the world boss ( check your questlog ),
after that when it spawns you can defeat this World Boss, you will loot a Mark of the boss, report this mark to Kimerin to receive a reward. Can be completed infinitely.

Day WorldBoss Name Time Region Acess
Monday Ossirian 16:00 Dolwatha Find Traces
Monday Wushoolay 20:00 Falanaar Find Traces
Tuesday Netherspite 16:00 Mordragor Find Traces
Tuesday Viscidius 20:00 Mistfall Find Traces
Wednesday Trygosa 12:00 Dolwatha Ancestral Rank: Bronze
Ancestral Points: 2
Parangon Level: 15
Gear Score: 1000
Wednesday Asira Arcanist 16:00 Rascacoon Isle Find Traces
Wednesday Archaedas 20:00 Dolwatha Find Traces
Thursday Sartharion 12:00 Mordragor Find Traces
Thursday Crustosteo 16:00 Falanaar Find Traces
Thursday Revendroth 20:00 Freewind Ancestral Rank: Gold
Ancestral Points: 5
Parangon Level: 40
Gear Score: 2800
Friday Larva Queen 12:00 Falanaar Ancestral Rank: Bronze
Ancestral Points: 2
Parangon Level: 15
Gear Score: 1000
Friday Emerald Leviathan 20:00 Falanaar Ancestral Rank: Silver
Ancestral Points: 3
Parangon Level: 25
Gear Score: 1800
Saturday Argnork 12:00 Death Valley Ancestral Rank: Bronze
Ancestral Points: 3
Parangon Level: 20
Gear Score: 1500
Saturday Dreadlord 16:00 Falanaar Ancestral Rank: Gold
Ancestral Points: 5
Parangon Level: 40
Gear Score: 2800
Saturday The Wyrm 20:00 Arkeron Ancestral Rank: Platinum
Ancestral Points: 8
Parangon Level: 100
Chaos Level: 25
Gear Score: 5000
Sunday Kil'Jaeden 12:00 Death Valley Ancestral Rank: Silver
Ancestral Points: 4
Parangon Level: 35
Gear Score: 2500
Sunday Deathwing 20:00 Mistfall Ancestral Rank: Gold
Ancestral Points: 5
Parangon Level: 40
Gear Score: 2800


New City and Mainland

Arkeron is a brand new City available in game. There is a new Mainland also available with 3 new regions: Dwalling, Echtelion and Rivendell.
This new area is reachable from the boat of any city, to access to Arkeron Mainland you will need Chaos Level 25.

This Mainland is very special, first of all Arkeron Town is an Isle, so there is no any danger on it, you will be only able to access on the City the first time,
in order to access to Main Mainland ( Monsters, Bosses, World Boss and Chaos Portals) you will need Chaos Level 25 ( see wiki section Player Stats ).
access to the Boat to travel to Dwalling, Ecthelion or Rivendell, make sure you have enought level, Arkeron is a dangerous region.

On Arkeron Mainland, forget everything you will see until now, if is the day when you reach Chaos Level 24 to 25 and you want enter on this Mainland,
make sure to be correctly prepared to fight hardcore monsters.
These monsters are ruthless and are everywhere on the Mainland, if you want to reach an area, be very careful, because on the way you will find plenty of them. You will then begin a very long and hard journey to reach the depths and explore this Mainland through caves, mountains, forests and even in lava.

Arkeron City

Dwalling Mainland

Rivendell Mainland

Ecthelion Mainland

Chaos portal on Arkeron, there is 3 different locations where it spawn, each day is different. It gives access to Onyxia Boss.

To stay on Arkeron Mainland you will need Wrath Crystals that can be crafted with Wrath Pulished Crystal and Wrath Crystal Fragment.
Each 30 minuts on Arkeron Mainland, you will be deduct 1 Wrath Crystal, if you don't enought Wrath Crystals your character will be teleported to Arkeron City.

Arkeron coin can be used on Arkeron Isles to buy some precious materials.

Picture Picture Item Crafted Info

x1 Wrath Pulished Crystal

x1 Wrath Crystal Fragment

x1 Wrath Crystal
1 Wrath Crystal Give you 30 minutes to stay on Arkeron Mainland.
Picture Name Info

Arkeron Coin This Coin is used to bought some materials on Arkeron isle, you can reach Arkeron isle trought the teleport at south of Dwalling.

Akeron Monsters & Bosses

Monster Name Monster Type Monster Difficulty
Arcangel Normal Monster
Cephalopod Normal Monster
Divine Angel Normal Monster
Lokness Normal Monster
Otzi Normal Monster
Raven Spider Normal Monster
Solar Guardian Normal Monster
Mutated Angry Draptor Mutated Monster
Mutated Draptor Mutated Monster
Mutated Ghost Mutated Monster
Mutated Lurkbringer Lancer Mutated Monster
Mutated Lurkbringer Necromancer Mutated Monster
Mutated Lurkbringer Warrior Mutated Monster
Mutated Lurkbringer Mutated Monster
Mutated Scourge Draptor Mutated Monster
Mutated Stone Golem Mutated Monster
Mutated Wailing Widow Mutated Monster
Behemoth Amalgam Amalgam Monster
Demon Amalgam Amalgam Monster
Despair Tree Amalgam Amalgam Monster
Dragon Amalgam Amalgam Monster
Emeraude Dragon Amalgam Amalgam Monster
Ghost Hell Amalgam Amalgam Monster
Grim Reaper Amalgam Amalgam Monster
Hellfire Fighter Amalgam Amalgam Monster
Hydra Amalgam Amalgam Monster
Obsidian Dragon Amalgam Amalgam Monster
Sapphir Dragon Amalgam Amalgam Monster
Stone Golem Amalgam Amalgam Monster
Tyrant Tree Amalgam Amalgam Monster
Vampire Viscount Amalgam Amalgam Monster
Winter Wolf Amalgam Amalgam Monster
Yeti Amalgam Amalgam Monster
Amazon Anomaly Anomaly Monster
Chester Anomaly Anomaly Monster
Demon Anomaly Anomaly Monster
Dragon Anomaly Anomaly Monster
Ghost Anomaly Anomaly Monster
Ghoul Anomaly Anomaly Monster
Hydra Anomaly Anomaly Monster
Mage Anomaly Anomaly Monster
Ulyss Anomaly Anomaly Monster
Undead Berserker Anomaly Anomaly Monster
Undead Elite Guardian Anomaly Anomaly Monster
Undead Elite Mage Anomaly Anomaly Monster
Undead Guardian Anomaly Anomaly Monster
Valkyrie Anomaly Anomaly Monster
Bahamut Arkeron Boss
Dracafeu Arkeron Boss
Ghaz'rilla Arkeron Boss
Lost Terror Arkeron Boss
Onyxia Arkeron Boss
The Monster Arkeron Boss
Ultros Arkeron Boss


Kindernia is the Rookie Island, where all players start discovering the world.

On Kindernia you will find a little city with some Npcs, Banker and depot chest.

When starting a custom tutorial pop up and you can follow the steps.

When you reach the level 30, you can leave Kindernia talking with the NPC Oressa To get access to the chest of your vocation,
then follow the path and talk with the NPC The Prophet to reach the Mainland.


Blessings are important, it prevent the losing experince and loot when you die around Customa Online

Here you will find The locations of NPCS selling the blessings.

Bless Name NPC Location Picture
Spiritual Shielding Norf South of Mordragor, near Warlock Dungeon entrance.
The Embrace of Tibia Humphrey Mistfall
The Fire of Suns Edala North of Mordragor
The Spark of The Phoenix Kawill, Pydar South of Dolwatha
The Wisdom of Solitude Eremo North of Dolwatha
Blood of the Mountain Kais North Falanaar
Heart of the Mountain Nomad West of Falanaar
Twist of Fate Quentin Dolwatha City

Npc's Information

There is a new island near Falanaar Boat, called Falanaar Trade Island, this island have severals NPC.
All npc's on this island work with Coins or Tokens, no money.

Here is a list about the Npcs:

NPC Name Info Trade Coin Name Picture Loot
Unatos Imbuements Ressources Loot Coin Ancestral Rift 1/2 - World Bosses
Loque'nahak Relics & Artefacts Darkness Coin Elder Rift Monsters / Bosses
Galra Mining Ressources Coin of Valor Elder Rift - World Bosses
Tethalash Skining Ressources Spectral Coin Ancestral Rift 1/2 - World Bosses
Hellsinger Exp Scrolls & Goblins Isles Time Coin Elder Rift - World Bosses
Altairus Herbalist Ressources Spirit Coin Ancestral Rift 1/2 - World Bosses
Ayasanth General Ressources Endless Coin Elder Rift - World Bosses
Shas'ith Fishing Ressources Coin of Mind Ancestral Rift 1/2 - World Bosses
Melkhop Discovery Scrolls, weapons & equipments Coin of Heroism Amalgam Monsters (Arkeron) - Elder Rift - World Bosses
Doleroc Woodcutting Ressources Fetish Coin Ancestral Rift 1/2 - World Bosses
Gomegaz Arkeron Normal Ressources Silver Mirror Token Normal, Amalgam Monsters (Arkeron) - World Bosses
Iridikron Arkeron Very Rare Ressources Gold Mirror Token Bosses (Arkeron)
Nefarian Demoniac Ressources Demonic Token Demoniac Rift - Mutateds Monsters (Arkeron)
Snarglos Chests Mystery Token Elder Rift Bosses - Arkeron bosses (Arkeron)
Veridis Temporary potions Crystal Token Elder Rift Bosses
Ebyssian Parangon & Chaos Level Ressources Star Token Demoniac Rift - World Bosses
Zarizz Upgrade Runes Electrical Token Demoniac Rift - World Bosses
Calderax Emblems Wind Token Elder Rift Bosses
Globesang Transcending Ressources Cursed Token Mutated Monsters (Arkeron)
Harlan Chaos Ressources Fire Token Demoniac Rift - Mutated Monsters (Arkeron)

Others Npc

Estherya, is located on Ancestral Waypoint, after complete the Secret Quest you can access to this region.

You can bought Outfits and Mounts for Hell Tokens.

NPC Name Info Coin Name Picture Info Loot
Estherya Exchange Outfits & Mounts Hell Token Ancestral Tasks, Loot from Bosses

Upgrade Items & Magic Items

On Customa Online you can Upgrade Equipments & Weapons.
Every Class ( Warrior, Hunter, Mages, Priest), can upgrade all equipments parts to +10. For Mages it's a bit different ( about magic level stat ), they can upgrade all equipments parts, but the parts giving magic level are some of them that can be upgraded to the next tier to get more magic level points.

Here is a List of items, in case you can see on Market by searching with the name of the item. The +5 is the maximum stat, like +10.
Remember, there is no a list about where loot the right equipment, it's an RPG server an we wish to everyone discover where you can find this type of loot.

Item Name Upgrades Possibility
Angelic Wand +1 +3 +5
Ekatrix Rod +1 +3 +5
Kraken Wand +1 +3 +5
Naga Wand +1 +3 +5
Naga Rod +1 +3 +5
Ancestral Rifter Rod +1 +3 +5
Frigost Wand +1 +3 +5
Emeraude Ring +1 +3 +5
Emeraude Amulet +1 +3 +5
Labradorite Amulet +1 +3 +5
Labradorite Ring +1 +3 +5
Sapphir Ring +1 +3 +5

Upgrade Equipments and Weapons

To start upgrading your equipment you need to go on Blacksmith Lair's, located on Ancestral Hall ( Required: Complete The Secret Quest )

You find 5 Differents altars, each one corresponding to one type of Rune Tier. For example, the Red is the Upgrade Tier 5 Rune.
To Craft a Melee or Mages Scroll Upgrade, you need at least 1 Ascending Rune of Each Tier.
When you craft the Scroll, use it on the required equipment part in order to upgrade it. From Upgrade +1 to +5 you will use the Melee or Mage Scroll, from +5 to +10 you will use Melee or Mage [2] scroll.

This system has a chance to Sucess or fail.

Scroll Name Recipe
Melee Upgrade Scroll
x1 Ascending Rune of Each Tier ( I, II, III, IV, V )
Melee [2] Upgrade Scroll
x2 Ascending Rune of Each Tier ( I, II, III, IV, V )
Mages Upgrade Scroll
x1 Ascending Rune of Each Tier ( I, II, III, IV, V )
Mages [2] Upgrade Scroll
x2 Ascending Rune of Each Tier ( I, II, III, IV, V )

Slot Upgrade

First of all, before to add a Slot on your equipment make sure it's on his hight upgrade, if you equipment is on +1 for example and you add a Slot, if later you upgrade the item to +2 it will lose the slot.

On each Equipment part you can add to a maximum of 3 Slots.
These slots can be added with a Slot Upgrade Scroll, that it gives one of 14 aleatory stats with a different value.
For example, you can use a Slot Upgrade Scroll on a Club, and get +3 Club skill.
When you reach the 3 Slots linked to your equipment you cannot add more, if you use another Slot upgrade scroll, you can change the last attribute, but not the first and second.
If you want to reset your Slots stats, you will need to use a Dovux on your item and reset the Slot Stats.

Item Name Recipe
Slot Upgrade Scroll
x3 Ascending Rune of Each Tier ( I, II, III, IV, V )
x1 Legendary Rune of Each Tier ( I, II, III, IV, V )

Chaos Upgrade & Transcending

This part is related to the Chaos Weapons, Cataclysm and Demacia Set (Sets are only Transcended).

You can craft this weapons, equipments on the Blacksmith Oven on Ancestral Hall.

The Chaos Upgrade it will consist to transform and grow your weapon to reach the maximum strenght and get a powerful attack.

Chaos Weapons and Cataclysm/Demacia Set are very expensive items and very difficult to get them.

This system has a chance to Sucess or fail, but failing it will break the item if you didn't have a protection scroll.

A Chaos weapon can be upgraded from Legacy to Abyssal then to Chaos Tier, each Tier has 3 levels: Fallen, Azure and Avalon. When you get your first Chaos Weapon you will surely want to upgrade it, you will need to Craft, a Legacy, Abyssal and Chaos Upgrade Scroll,
Let's See a Transformation from Legacy Fallen Sword to the Chaos Avalon Sword, then Transcending it to the max Tier:
Weapons have an animation except for the Fallen tier.

We have crafted a Legacy Fallen Sword, then we upgrade it 2 Tiers with an Abyssal Upgrade scroll, on Abyssal Fallen Sword, we use a Ascending Upgrade Scroll 3 Times to upgrade until Chaos Tier,
on Chaos tier we use 3 Chaos Upgrade Scroll to Reach the maximum Upgrade of the weapon.
When your weapon reach the Tier "Chaos Avalon" follow of the name of the weapon ( Sword, Rod, Bow... ) you can Transcend this equipment, to reach the last powerful part ot the item.
Use a Dimensional Upgrade Scroll on Chaos Avalon Sword, then a Primal Upgrade Scroll and to finish an Awakening Upgrade Scroll. The Transcending has 3 Tiers: Dimensional, Primal and Awakening.
When your weapon reach the Awakening Tier it reaches the maximum tier.
Important: All Chaos Weapons, Upgrading or Transcending have a chance to Break! To Avoid this, on Chaos Upgrade use the right Protection Scroll,
depending of your weapon, on the example is a Sword so: Sword Protection Scroll, then on Transcending use the Scroll depending the Tier, Harmonious, Darkness or Sacred Protection Scroll.

First Tier Name Second Tier Name Information ( Tier Name + Weapon Name )
Legacy Fallen This tier is the first tier that you got after craft your first chaos weapon.
Legacy Azure This is the second tier, obtained using an abyssal upgrade scroll on the weapon.
Legacy Avalon This is the third tier, obtained using an abyssal upgrade scroll on the weapon.
Abyssal Fallen This is the first Tier of Abyssal Tier, obtained using an ascending upgrade scroll on the weapon.
Abyssal Azure This is the second Tier of Abyssal Tier, obtained using an ascending upgrade scroll on the weapon.
Abyssal Avalon This is the third Tier of Abyssal Tier, obtained using an ascending upgrade scroll on the weapon.
Chaos Fallen This is the first Tier of Chaos Tier, obtained using an chaos upgrade scroll on the weapon.
Chaos Azure This is the second Tier of Chaos Tier, obtained using an chaos upgrade scroll on the weapon.
Chaos Avalon This is the third Tier of Chaos Tier, obtained using an chaos upgrade scroll on the weapon.
Dimensional - This is the Dimensional Tier, obtained after upgrading the Chaos Avalon Tier with a dimensional transcending scroll.
Primal - This is the Primal Tier, obtained after upgrading the Dimensional Tier with a primal transcending scroll.
Awakening - This is the Awakening Tier, obtained after upgrading the Primal Tier with a awakening transcending scroll. This is the last Tier of the weapon.

Scrolls Information
Abyssal Upgrade Scroll
Increase Tier from Legacy Fallen to Legacy Avalon
Ascending Upgrade Scroll
Increase Tier from Abyssal Fallen to Abyssal Avalon
Chaos Upgrade Scroll
Increase Tier from Chaos Fallen to Chaos Avalon
Dimensional Transcending Scroll
Increase Tier from Chaos Avalon to Dimensional
Primal Transcending Scroll
Increase Tier from Dimensional to Primal
Awakening Transcending Scroll
Increase Tier from Primal to Awakening
Sword Protection Scroll
It Protects the weapon from Legacy Fallen Tier to Chaos Avalon Tier.
Bow Protection Scroll
It Protects the weapon from Legacy Fallen Tier to Chaos Avalon Tier.
Axe Protection Scroll
It Protects the weapon from Legacy Fallen Tier to Chaos Avalon Tier.
Club Protection Scroll
It Protects the weapon from Legacy Fallen Tier to Chaos Avalon Tier.
Rod Protection Scroll
It Protects the weapon from Legacy Fallen Tier to Chaos Avalon Tier.
Wand Protection Scroll
It Protects the weapon from Legacy Fallen Tier to Chaos Avalon Tier.
Crossbow Protection Scroll
It Protects the weapon from Legacy Fallen Tier to Chaos Avalon Tier.
Harmonious Protection Scroll
It Protects the weapon from Chaos Avalon to Dimensional Tier.
Darkness Protection Scroll
It Protects the weapon from Dimensional to Primal Tier.
Sacred Protection Scroll
It Protects the weapon from Primal to Awakening Tier.

Dragon Eggs

Dragon Egg Hunter is profession, yes, but it has he's own category because it's a profession to craft the Legendary Cryptic Dragon egg.
This Egg is unique, extremely rare and very expensive, maybe a myth ?

To start collecting Dragon Eggs, you will need to craft Dragon Gloves, that you can improve to Dreadful dragon gloves.
There is in total more than 230 Dragon Eggs to collect in order to complete the collection and craft the egg.
Each City, has their own Dragon Eggs ( 3 Important Dragon Eggs per city, obtained only crafting ), for example in mordragor you can collect a Dragon Egg that you cannot collect on Dolwatha or any other city.
This is a end game content, you will need at least reach Arkeron continents to complete the collection.

The Cryptic Dragon Egg is equipped on the emblem part.

Name Picture Info
Cryptic Dragon Egg Container +80 Slots, Reflect Damage +20%, Absorb All +15%, Speed +75, +2000 HP, +2000 MP, Axe +20, Sword +20, Club +20, Distance +20, Magic +20, Fist +20, Gear Score +8000, Prestige +80. x2.5 EXP permanently while equipped.

Here is a list of the most important Dragon Eggs from each city:
Name Picture City
Geminian Dragon Egg Mordragor
Eve Dragon Egg Mordragor
Umbra Dragon Egg Mordragor
Lazuli Dragon Egg Mistfall
Galaxy Dragon Egg Mistfall
Quantum Dragon Egg Mistfall
Savannah Dragon Egg Falanaar
Scourge Dragon Egg Falanaar
Cracked Golden Dragon Egg Falanaar
Toxic Dragon Egg Freewind
Abyssal Dragon Egg Freewind
Ovalith Dragon Egg Freewind
Kaiju Dragon Egg Dolwatha
Aquarian Dragon Egg Dolwatha
Delicia Dragon Egg Dolwatha
Hedera Dragon Egg Death Valley
Peridot Dragon Egg Death Valley
Nebula Dragon Egg Death Valley
Pure Ruby Dragon Egg Arkeron
Twin Hell Dragon Egg Arkeron
Pyrite Dragon Egg Arkeron

Secret Quest

The Secret Quest is the main quest that it unlocks all the system, without doing this quest you cannot access to the Ancestral Hall and Ancestral Waypoint.
The Secret Quest can be started entering on the teleport located on Mordragor to Trinity Island,

here you will find a teleport near 2 altars,

enter on it and talk with Charsi.

After talk with him it talk you about a friend. Follow the questlog and start the adventure of the Secret Fragment.
Read carefully the story, there is no tutorial about how to do the quest, since every player needs to discover this quest.
When completing the Quest, and receive the First Fragment, go to Zoltun's Island, in the middle, sacrifice your first fragment to gain the Access to the Ancestral Waypoint Permanently.
Completing Secret Quest also give you the access to the Secret Library located on the Ancestral Hall Library.
Secret Quest also unlocks all crafting tables, rifts access, tasks and many npc's.

Name Picture Info
First Fragment You Completed the Secret Quest an obtained a First Fragment, Scrifice the First Fragment on Zoltun's Isle to gain access on Ancestral Waypoint.

Additional Information

Double EXP & Enhancement Loot

On Customa Online there is a Bonus EXP and a Bonus Enhanced Loot System implemented.

In game use command !exp to see how remaining double exp time you got.

While hunting you will see an arrow on a dead monster, just stand on it and receive a bonus for 60 seconds of Double Exp. More than 50 differents monsters give a double exp chance.
Remember there is also a Double EXP Potion that can be crafted, also some Emblems give x2.5 EXP permanently while equipped.

While hunting you can see an effect on a dead monster, this mean, depending the tier, you found a special ressource/item.

Here is a list of Enhancement Loot Tiers:

Tier Name

Refill Vocation Boots & Elemental Amulet

Some Items in game can be charged, like Boots of Each Vocation Set crafted on Blacksmith Oven or like Elemental Amulet, a legendary amulet.

For Lurker, Kraken, Ekatrix and Engraved Boots, can be charged on the 1st Floor on Mordragor Depot.

On the 2nd Floor of Mordragor Depot you will find the npc Master Elemental that can recharge your Elemental Amulet.

The Collection

We have introduced a collection system, that is a collection of items that can be looted in game and registered on a collection talking with The Collector,
The collection allows , once completed, to talk with The Collector and asks to him you completed the collection, it brings you the legendary Demoniac Egg, which allows you to craft a legendary item.
Not only with the collection you can get this Demoniac Egg, you can also craft it.

The Collector is located on Arkeron Shops Street. While in game use the command !collection to see the items alread registered on the collection.
Name How many to register
Ornamented Helmet 1
Ornamented Armor 1
Ornamented Legs 1
Evermoon Helmet 1
Evermoon Shield 1
Evermoon Armor 1
Evermoon Legs 1
Evermoon Boots 1
Skull Helmet of the Depth 1
Skull Armor of the Depth 1
Skull Legs of the Depth 1
Skull Boots of the Depth 1
Skull Shield of the Depth 1
Skull Axe of the Depth 1
Skull Hammer of the Depth 1
Skull Bow of the Depth 1
Skull Crossbow of the Depth 1
Skull Wand of the Depth 1
Skull Spellbook of the Depth 1
Dreadwake Helmet 1
Dreadwake Armor 1
Dreadwake Legs 1
Dreadwake Boots 1
Dreadwake Shield 1
Dreadwake Sword 1
Dreadwake Axe 1
Dreadwake Club 1
Dreadwake Bow 1
Spiritthorn Armor 1
Spiritthorn Helmet 1
Alicorn Headguard 1
Arcanomancer Regalia 1
Arboreal Crown 1
Frostflower Boots 1
Feverbloom Boots 1
Dawnfire Sherwani 1
Dawnfire Pantaloons 1
Midnight Sarong 1
Midnight Tunic 1
Arboreal Tome 1
Arcanomancer Folio 1
Naga Sword 1
Naga Axe 1
Naga Club 1
Naga Crossbow 1
Naga Wand 1
Naga Rod 1
Anubis Armor 1
Anubis Legs 1
Anubis Boots 1
Northren Helmet 1
Northren Legs 1
Screed Armor 1
Screed Legs 1
Bronze Boots 1
Mummy Skirt 1
Mummy Boots 1
Mummy Spellbook 1

Customa Online Raids

Here is a list of the available Raids:
Raid Name Location
Rats Mordragor
Chest Event Mordragor
Orcs Mordragor
Gaz'haragoth Death Valley
Mawhawk Death Valley
Omrafir Death Valley
Barba Bittermor Freewind
Ghazbaran Freewind
Zushuka Freewind
Midnight Panther Falanaar
Ferumbras Falanaar
Zulazza The Corruptor Falanaar
Crustacea Gigantica Dolwatha
Morgaroth Dolwatha
Orshabaal Dolwatha
Gaffir Dolwatha
Drume Bounac

Customa Online Server Map

Here is the Server Map: